E274 Karyna Tretiak: International Relations Student @ IIR

Episode 287 November 25, 2021 00:51:19
E274 Karyna Tretiak: International Relations Student @ IIR
Kyiv Future
E274 Karyna Tretiak: International Relations Student @ IIR

Nov 25 2021 | 00:51:19


Show Notes

Karyna Tretiak is an International Relations student at the Institute Of International Relations (IIR), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KNU)

Born in Kherson, in the south of Ukraine, Karyna loves Yoga, Fashion and Sports. And as an active student, she organized many events for students at club “Ambassador”, Model UN and European Youth Parliament School Sessions. And she recently did a short term Erasmus exchange to Poland.

Karyna is the winner of beauty contests so she likes to debunk stereotypes about the relation between beauty and intelligence.

Instagram: @k.arinna_

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Episode Transcript

Karyna Tretiak 0:00 impossible is nothing. And you should strive to achieve your goal, even though it is hard, but I also like the quotation, I don't remember who is the author, but it's really it's amazing. Everything is possible impossible is just taking much time to do. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:33 This podcast shows that Ukraine is not what foreigners see on television. Together, we will break all the stereotypes about Ukrainians, so that when the flag of Ukraine is lifted, anywhere in the world, every one will know Ukraine, and its unique culture because the day Ukraine has a dynamic new generation that will change the world. Hello, my name is Aziz and I have a deep connection with Ukraine. My grandfather volunteered in 1987, to help liquidate the Chernobyl chemical radiation because he believed in humanity, he was a real hero for me. And even though he struggled with cancer after that, for the rest of his life, he always told me many great things about Ukraine, and its people. Then from 2018 to 2019. For two years, I began working with UNICEF in Ukraine to help build orphanages for Ukrainian children. And thank you all so much for the support. More than 280 people participated in this project for Ukraine, from the Vice President of the Helen modeling group, to the Vice Chancellor of the ugcc church, to the president of the Erasmus student network here to the President of the World Trade Center, Kyiv to students from the FLEX program, Ukraine Global Scholars, United World College, Harvard University, and Minerva schools at KGI to the United Nations, to interns at the Ukrainian parliament, and the Canadian Parliament to top 1% students in Ukraine. But not only then, this project is for all Ukrainians, from all backgrounds. So if you wish to participate, send me a message on Instagram at Aziz dot future and join the telegram channel Kyiv. Future My goal is to make interviews with hundreds of Ukrainians and the world is listening. This podcast is already top 50 In the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland and Monaco top 25 In Austria, Germany, Canada, Russia, and Poland, top 15 in Australia, Italy, Spain, and Dubai and top 10 In Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, South Korea, Singapore, and many other places because this is now officially the number one podcast on Apple about Ukraine. Together, we will break the stereotypes. Together, we will help all other countries discover and respect the greatness of Ukrainian people. And this good reputation will support the development of Ukraine, creating more opportunities for every Ukrainian to have a better life. So let's begin. My guest today is Karina Tretiak. Karina is an international relations student at the Institute of International Relations. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Born in kurtsan, in the south of Ukraine, Karina loves yoga, fashion and sports. And as an active student. She organized many events for students that club in Ambassador Model U N, and European Youth Parliament school sessions, and she recently did a short term Erasmus exchange to Poland. Karina is the winner of beauty contests. So she likes to debunk stereotypes about the relation between beauty and intelligence. Her favorite quote is, the best way to predict your future is to create it by Abraham Lincoln. Karina, how are you today? Karyna Tretiak 4:44 Hi, nice to meet you. I'm very excited about today's interview, and I'm ready to share both my experience and my and some insights on my studies and my achievements and so on. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 4:58 Yes, but I want To begin with the emotional side of Karina that maybe not many people know. So when you want to relax after being so active, and to recharge your batteries so that you're motivated to do even more, when you want to experience your favorite emotions, what activities do you like to do? Oh, Karyna Tretiak 5:23 for sure. For me, this activity is yoga. I've been practicing it since I was 16. Since since I was a teen. And it helps, it really helps me to relax, to recharge my batteries. And I strongly recommend it to everyone who is experiencing busy rhythm of life, rhythm of break, and so on, it really helps to keep your mind relaxed. And bulkiest afterwards. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 5:57 Thank you. That sounds wonderful. So since you were 16 years old, you have been diligently practicing yoga. And it helps you relax and get your mind focus and release any stress and tension. Is this correct? Yeah, it's true. And when it comes to yoga, what is your favorite part? Is it when you're active in your day? But then you can go even further? Because you think, yes, I can work hard now. Because later I know that yoga session is waiting for me? Or is it the middle, when your body is totally warm, and stretching, and you're not thinking about the past or the present? You're feeling the sensations and being in the moment? Or is it really afterwards, when you're done, your brain is focused, your emotions are balanced, and you're ready to keep on going further and further. Karyna Tretiak 6:58 Actually, all of these moments are priceless. But if choose one, I would rather choose those time when you eat, when your mind is eased. And when you are concentrated. And you are in the moment, in the moment of everything. All the stressful thoughts, all the routine has gone. And you're here with your thoughts. With your soul, you can listen to yourself, and hear your motives, what your body and your mind wants to tell you so that you can move forward. So this is my favorite stage. Definitely. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 7:44 I love that description. And I'm sure it's clear to me it comes from real life experience. So if I understood you correctly, when you're totally in the present moment, connected to your body, to your sensations and to your soul, listening to your own true desires, not what other people say, or the stress of life or something urgent, but that could be not so important. But in touch with your true emotions, your true. One, send your true visions and goals and personality and identity, that sense of balance. Mindfulness and presence is priceless for you. And it's your most favorite part. Is this correct? Yes, Karyna Tretiak 8:33 absolutely. You got it very correct. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 8:35 Thank you. And a lot of people actually they have this problem. They don't trust their own emotions, their own sensations, their own soul. Because they think no, the only thing that is correct is thoughts and logical thinking. And all that is childish distractions. Or maybe they did something where they trusted their intuition before and it was wrong. And now they feel they cannot trust themselves anymore. What would you say to those people? And why do you trust your inner soul and inner voice? Although many people could be say, Oh, that's not real or that is wrong or that is just following your emotions and it's senseless. Karyna Tretiak 9:23 Actually, I would say that I'm also a person who relies a lot on my on my own reason. And I often use logic when I make some decisions. But for me is extremely important to be connected to my inner world and understand and develop my spirituality, my spiritual word. Because then all this buzz, all these break all everything is left In the end, you have nothing to nothing left for yourself. So for me, keeping to and listening to my emotions, meaning that I am always listening to myself and achieving those results, that I really don't, that, as you say, Don't either don't want other people for me to do, or really my active brain tells me to do, but to follow my my wishes, my goals, and so on. That is why I think it is important to be connected to your inner world, not to lose yourself in these vibrant, vibrant life, we have nowadays, a lot of tons of information, and it is often difficult to find yourself to find your path. And to find what you want to do. And you have always you have to listen to yourself, how your body and your mind responds to some actions, you may force yourself to do something, but in the end, you will be so exhausted that all this game worth was wasn't worth the candles burned, you know. And that is why to, to be able to leave happy to be happy person, and to live your life to the fullest. And not to be exhausted by achieving your goals. 24 hours per seven days, per week, and so on. So to be connected to your inner world is extremely important. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 12:02 Thank you. And I will ask you a very direct question, since both sides of you are strong. Imagine you have a decision. You made all the logical calculations and all that and it's 100%. Yes, but your heart and emotions say No, it's 100% Wrong. And there is no logical reason for it. Which one would you follow? Karyna Tretiak 12:29 It's very tricky. You know, I think it depends on the sphere. Maybe, if we are talking about my work or my studies, I would rather follow my rational part. And when it comes to my relationships, and so on, I will focus on my focus on my emotion. So it really depends on the situation and on the sphere. But again, I don't want anyone and also myself to forget about any of these two, two sides and choose something neither neither with this logic, or Norway's emotions. So I think both these parts should be taken into account when you are making some decision. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 13:33 Thank you so so much for that really balanced answer. And so I'd like to know even more about you, not what your colleagues say. But if you look at your close friends, how would they describe you and your personality? Because those people and maybe your family to see a part of you that nobody else can access? Karyna Tretiak 14:00 Oh, well, that's very interesting. I think they would describe me as a proactive person. And of course, as a determined person, because I really, I am directed to achieving what I what I want. And I never stop. And I'm always trying my best in different spheres. And I pay many attention to my self development. So that's it. That's it. Also, I think that they would highlight that I'm very supportive of the people who are around me both my family and friends. And I really like to give them this my decisiveness when they needed for example, when they hesitate or something like that, I may help help them to make such a decision or to to support them to do something that they really want. But they are if 80 or so in this situations, my decisiveness helps a lot. Both both me and my close bonds. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 15:09 Thank you. So if I heard you correctly, these facets of your personality, I include being proactive goal oriented, persisting on your goals, even when times are hard, supporting your friends being decisive and developing yourself as much as possible. Right? Yeah, you're Karyna Tretiak 15:31 right. And I think that I would also add that I'm quite adventurous. So I like trying something new and going to different places, as well. I think I'm quite easygoing. I like meeting new people. And I like make new acquaintances. I like new information and so on, you may hear that I repeat the word new many times. And I'm really interested in many things that are there in our world in general. So I tried to discover something new every day. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 16:11 I'm actually surprised with your answer, because usually people who are decisive in that way, are who and who make logical decisions are not so emotional. They don't like adventures, because there is too much uncertainty, things that they cannot control, and things that can go wrong. You know what I mean? That people who are logical, they don't like surprises, they like control. While adventurous people, they like to take risks, and therefore they will make decisions because they're exciting, not because they're the safest ones. So how are both sides of your personality combined? Or did I understand totally wrong? Which is possible? Of course, Karyna Tretiak 16:58 no, you understand everything correctly? Really, these two sides of my personality, they coexist? And, yes, I would say that I don't really like when something goes opposite to what I planned. But at the same time, I like life, or it's for some of the events that happen that you don't expect them to happen. But in the end, it is exactly what you need it. And that is why I like new adventures, because it is something that you don't expect it to happen to yourself. And but sometimes it happens, that it was exactly what you needed in that moment. That is why yes, these two parts of my personality coexist. And no, no, not, not always, they are in harmony, but I tried to really try to make it work. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 18:06 I love that you repeated that twice, that some things that are unexpected might happen. But they're exactly what we needed in that moment. Which reminds me of the quote that life doesn't give us what we want, it gives us the lessons that we need. And so to ask you, though, about this, how is your spiritual beliefs since you're developing your spiritual side, that allows you to be feel and believe that even when things are unexpected, they are probably what we need in that moment? Do you believe in destiny? Do you believe in a higher power that is watching and guidance? Do you believe in the universe? Or is it just statistics and logic? And it's all about logic and the fact that statistically, there will be outliers and things that go very right and things that go very wrong, but as long as we make the best decision, we are safe, or how do you think? Karyna Tretiak 19:07 Thank you? It's interesting question. I definitely think that there are some events and some changes that happen, and they happen for the better. It's really true. I'll repeat it once more, talking about some, some, some powers which guide us. I don't want to hurt anyone. So I would keep it to myself. But I'll definitely say that. I believe that something. Everything happens for a reason. It is another quote. And I really do believe in that that somehow, everything happens just like it was supposed to happen and it leads to a better result. And really to better it To the lessons that we really need, as you said, I truly believe in that. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 20:05 Thank you. And I would like to explore your decisiveness. And you said, even your friends, when they're hesitating about something they really want, they can borrow a little bit of your confidence and decisiveness in order to go forward in that path. First, is this correct? Karyna Tretiak 20:25 Yeah, it's true. I often help them with some decisions and so on. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 20:30 I know, it's much easier to make decisions for other people than for ourselves. But how do you deal with this, which is a topic I discussed with multiple guests, especially the girls who say, they feel emotions deeply, that when they decide there is always emotions changing when they're like, yes, no, yes. No, yes. No, yes, no. So it's so difficult to decide, because they always can change their mind or feel, maybe they made the wrong decision. What allows you to be decisive, even though maybe, like you said, a part of you is more emotional and adventurous. Karyna Tretiak 21:12 I got it. Usually, I am the person who tries to support my friends, in the situations when they don't have the decisiveness they need. I don't, I never make decisions for themselves, I met for themselves yet. I never tried to convince them to do this or other pay. I'm also the one, I'm always the one who will listen to themselves and support their wishes and their dreams. And I am the person I think that before the university that will say to one's friends, that you should follow your dream, not your parents wishes and so on. So my role in this process, it's to is to support person in his true wishes, and in his to true path, but not about not to make decisions decision for himself not or not. It's doesn't work like that. So, I'd like to say that many of us really we can be emotional when making some important decisions. And it is extremely important to have somebody by your side to, to, to calm you down. And really to, to see to understand you and to see what what you really want. So it's something like that for me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 22:55 Thank you. And I won't even ask what are your ultimate goals because even about spirituality, you thought maybe you don't want to share it so maybe even your goals, you prefer to share them after they happen. But I will ask you this. Imagine you achieved all your perfect goals. You are absolutely even you saved humanity and you stopped Corona and cancer and gave food to all the children starving all over the world and made World Peace to and you can have one day where you Karina can do anything you want. It will be your perfect day that will give you the your favorite experiences. What would be the place or would it maybe be Carpathian or Hawaii? What would be the month? Would it be new year or in spring and summer? What would you do first? When would you wake up? Who would you be with telling me that full day so that I explore When you are satisfied you have arrived? What would your inner voice guide you to be doing to really enjoy yourself? Karyna Tretiak 24:10 Okay, as I understand you, you want me to describe my pubic my perfect day? Is that correct? Yes. Okay, so in general, talking about my goals. For me, it is very important so that everything is in harmony, all the spheres of my life, I believe in there will apply there is such a method of discovering whether other spheres of your life are in balance, and so on. I really do commend to try it. So for me, my perfect life until it's been when I have harmony and and peace in all the spheres that are important to me. It's my family friends work Spirituality, health, love, and so on. So Bearing this in mind, my perfect day would start with Wake up, not very, not very early because I don't really want like it, it would start about nine or 10pm, I guess nine or 10pm, after that I am meeting with my family, maybe with my children, if we are looking into the future with my husband and my children, together, we are having breakfast, then I'm having I'm having a short yoga practice, just to be prepared for the work, then I'm having my work, I don't really know what's fear, will I will I be working in the future, like because I'm only 20. And I'm still discovering me and my potential. But I'm definitely totally sure that it will be my job will be rewarding and fulfilling both in both in terms of material and spiritual goods. And so after that, I'm spending some time working, meeting with new people developing my my business or something, if I have it, if I don't like achieving my son's career goals. After that, I'm having time with my minute with my dog, because I really love dogs. And it is a good way to end your day we use Volk to do some plays, just to have your mind relax, maybe it is somewhere in the park, or it is in the mountains, if I will, if I live in someplace with mountains. So it's quite routine perfect day, I would say. And if we are talking about like perfect day, and adventurous fun. Of course, it would be a day when I'm climbing some some of the word speaks like Kilimanjaro and so on. I never tried to climb top of Allah in Carpathian Mountains, but I really want to start to start from from it. Because it is very, it is very exciting, and the emotions that you feel when you are on the top, I think I imagine that they are unique. And there is nothing like that. So I really want to have such an experience in my life. And that is why my perfect adventurous day, let's call it like like like that would be me climbing some very beautiful mounting with my maybe friends or just with people who are also interested in this course sharing my interests. Yeah, that's it. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 28:24 Thank you, I noticed that actually, all the emotions and spheres of life were described in your ideal day, then I have to ask you, because there are two philosophies to productivity. Some people say no, you cannot have balance at first and all spheres of life, you have to focus on one sphere at a time with one goal until you achieve it. And then you maintain that and move to the second. And meanwhile, many of your spheres are not so great. Because if you try to put your energy and all of them it's too distracting, and you will not progress much. While other people say well, that is too painful, too much suffering, you should develop all spheres of life 1% a day. And then over time that accumulation of 1% and 1% and 1% will grow into millions. What is your approach? Do you have one goal at a time? Do you have 10 goals at a time? How do you keep balance one sometimes balance is really difficult to do because your energy will be divided. Karyna Tretiak 29:38 I think balance using the ultimate goal. And I think there are not many situations then you are like in 100% balance and all the spheres are balanced at the same time. It's very difficult to achieve such a moment and I don't really think that we need to achieve it. I think we should strive for the balance, which should ask for me it is my goal to have the balance. And I believe I build my life so that I have it. So I know many people that are extremely successful in one of the spheres. But in other spheres, it's like it is, they have nothing because they didn't pay much attention to it. And I think it is my personal story that you that you have to pay attention to what is important to you. And, for example, for a family life, you should pay attention to eat because if you don't, something may occur and so on, and you will regret about it. So my, my like key to key to success in in everything, not just in career, just pay attention to what is most important. And talking about achieving end goal. You asked it, I think it's it's better, of course to focus on one goal. For example, in career, especially in carrier, I think it is important to focus on one goal to know the direction you have chosen and you are going in because if there is no direction, it can lead to you, you being closed, and don't know what to do, and so on. But in life in general, I think balance is the desired state. And we have to strive for it. But the moment itself is rare. So we don't have to worry that every that everything is not perfect in our life, because generally it is quite impossible to achieve it. But we have to do our best here and to pay attention to what is important just for this fear is not to be imbalanced, and not to cause you problems in the future. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 32:15 You said that three times to pay attention to what is important. And actually a lot of people walk around, and they don't even know what is important to them. They just react to life. They wake up in the morning, check out social media, then maybe gossip about it or something like that, I don't know. And then they wait for people to tell them what to do. Teachers to tell them what to study. Parents tell them what to work and what to graduate them. And they just are not proactive, which is a word you used for yourself. They are reactive, in addition to yoga, which I believe it's really important because I have been meditating for eight years now when it really helps you know what is important because you feel it in your guts. But maybe that is not so fast to most people. How would you recommend they go about discovering what is really important for them? And how would they know it is what is important? What is the emotion or the thought or the experience that tells them yes, this is important, this is the most important. It's correct. I am not hesitating or doubting. Karyna Tretiak 33:38 I think it's not an easy task really to understand what is important to you. Because some of us have or had parents that like to decide or they and some teachers that were over protective. And in general, we as people we are influenced to Arabic to a big extent by other people who are around us. And that is why really in many cases it is quite difficult to know what is important to you and what is yours, what is your what is your past, what you want to do, and it is such a thing that especially young people often it is the thing that young people often experience this uncertainty about who they are and what they want. I would recommend of course reading some literature that is aimed at self development, some books and of course to develop their spiritual spirituality and try to return to themselves. Also married They do some yoga, also look for some practices that will help them to, to get back to themselves to their true vicious, and help and help them to be true with themselves because to be true with yourself, it is also difficult it is, it's also difficult, because we can even cheat ourselves. And as well also I want to give such an advice of going to therapy. As for me, I didn't, but I really want to as soon as as soon as I have enough time it is my priority to go do some therapy and to discover something new about myself and maybe to ease some some problems which I also have a love Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 36:01 your focus on self development. And let me ask you even like a contrarian, difficult question, imagine you are not allowed, because of something super strong. So you cannot even do it in secret, to develop yourself in any way. You are stuck at whatever level you are in now, forever, but you can achieve everything you can make goals and succeed, but you don't develop you don't change, what would be missing from your life, Karyna Tretiak 36:34 I think many, many different things, new people, you your experiences. And of course, I won't be able to develop my personality, because every day I get to know something new about myself, my reactions to certain situations, and so on. And if I wouldn't have to have the possibility to develop myself, I really would be stuck at some point and I will lose my I will lose many of the taste of life, I think because because something you this adventures that life has, or every one of us. It really it is really the bond that gives it special taste. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 37:28 I actually have so many questions for you. It's really fascinating, but I don't really think that time would be enough. So there is a topic that you wrote in your introduction that I'm really fascinated to know the details from you. What is your perspective on the stereotype about the relation between beauty and intelligence? Does it exist? Did you experience it? And maybe you have stories and why in your own thought you think the stereotype is wrong? And how do you go about this proof in it Karyna Tretiak 38:09 all thank you for having this topic mentioned. I really think that such a stereotype exist. And often it is separated by some mass media, by some culture, by by pop culture, by songs, movies and so on. There are many such many things created about beautiful, but but not very clever women and so on. And I also experienced such a stereotype. And I really think that actually, many people that I met that I need, they first focus on my appearance. And only after some time, they are quite surprised that I also have something to say and some I have something deep to say and that I am quite educated, I'm proactive and so on. So it's kind of and so always kind of surprise for them that the girl who is beautiful has something more to to show to this world. But fortunately, I think then the situation is improving. Today, many stereotypes, both about the beauty standards and you know the perfect woman and what a woman should be and how could How should she look? They are changing and the city Session is developing. And actually, I think that now, we are going to this situation when the appearances will have less impact on how we are how we are perceived by other people. Because there are some, there are such trends. And I really appreciate them that we are that many people support natural beauty support, self support that people can look in any way they want to, and so on. I even like that beauty contests are becoming more more focused not only on the beauty, but for example, nice Ukraine contests and Miss World Miss Universe. Such world famous contests they are becoming more about your personality, for example, that participants have to show the charity project and something what they have have done both in their country or not in their country, they have to show their impact on some particular problem on or situation, show as well, their intelligence and some achievements. So it seems the focus is changing, and it is very great trend. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 41:35 I love what you're saying. And although you're mentioning personality, let's go deeper. When you were speaking about yoga, you mentioned connecting to your soul, in your own opinion and perspective. Or even in the spiritual dictionary of Karina, what is the meaning of the soul? Karyna Tretiak 41:58 Oh, it's very deep. I think that let me just just think a bit. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 42:07 Yes. Because if we're going beyond the physical shallow looks, it's not even personality, the deeper depth is the soul, and the beautiful soul, but just to know it, do you feel people's energy? Do you feel people's soul? And if so, what is the soul in your own opinion, Karyna Tretiak 42:32 I really think that I tend to feel others people's energies. And I think really many of us do. And often first impression is about person's energy. And also, even though we interact mostly by other by other birds, or by, by our some senses, like vision by by listening to something, I think that we also perceive some information by our, by our intuition, and by and also by reading and understanding and feeling others people's energies. So I think that people saw is quite a is a is a very deep is something very deep. And I think that it combines really your energy. You as also have you as a personality. I think it also has something about your role in this life, or you're really yeah, if you're your role in this life, maybe what you are, what you're supposed to what impact you are supposed to do in this life. And as well, some it is influenced by some events that happened to you. So in general, I think the soul is about your energy, your personality, your impact, and of course, some events that shaped you and made you such person that you are. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 44:21 I love your answer. And I agree 100% And you just mentioned one of my most favorite words, which is impact. So now if you could speak about any of the projects you're working on, that you are having some impact through them. Please mention what they are. What do you do and if people wish to discover more, where should they go? Karyna Tretiak 44:50 Yeah, actually, I was I worked as an event organizer a lot in my life. I organized those no Profit event for students and pupils. And also commercial events, when I worked as an event manager, sell about talking about my impact, I really think that the events that I am, of course many other people were contributing to. And those are events, namely organized by our club ambassador in Institute of International Relations. They contributed a lot to other visitors to this students. Because we do that for, for them, of course for for us and for them, because because it's a great opportunity for them to meet some diplomats, politicians, and get the practical experience. And as we know that diplomacy, diplomacy is quite reserved sphere, it is not very easy to get in contact with some ambassadors or to go to an embassy or to ministry and talk to somebody it is it's the sphere. Like, it is stereotyped to be the sphere, not for everyone. And I think our efforts of organizing sessional, nonprofits, nonprofit events, that everyone interested in politics, international relations may join, is a great initiative. And I also invite everyone to, to join our meetings, both held online, because of the COVID pandemics, and maybe offline this year, as our studies are going to be at university. So approach me or follow IAR investor club on Instagram. So that join our meetings and have really have the opportunity to have an insight of such close fear as a deep loss. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 47:15 Thank you so much, I'll make sure to write the link in the description. And now for you. If people want to follow you on social media to know more about you, what is the best social network to do that, as well as from your life? What insight or lesson did you learn that you can give as advice to other people that may be if they will understand it, or remember it if they have forgotten, they can live a better life? Karyna Tretiak 47:52 Oh, thank you, I think they should resort to my Instagram because it is a social media that I use the most often. And I tried to share some interesting info there. And talking about the the inside or such a deep or life hack that I would like to share. First of all that impossible is nothing. And you should strive to achieve your goal, even though it is hard, but you should remember it but impossible is nothing. I also like the quotation, I don't remember who is the author, but it's really it's amazing. Everything is possible impossible is just taking much time to do or to achieve something like that. And another thing is to never say never. For me, it's also about the thing that I talked about before. It's that there are some events that happen. Sometimes they are unpleasant ones, but in the end they were they were the ones that you needed at that moment. So never say never and be open to the opportunities that you liked gifts. It was also my one of my favorite. One of my favorite quotations. It sounded like grateful for that. forbear, I am so excited about where I'm going. So be open and be excited because life is life is adventurous and is amazing. And really everything may happen but in the end, it's worth it. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 49:39 Thank you so much Karina. This was such a wonderful conversation. It doesn't feel like almost an hour and it was a privilege to me and honor and a great time to hear your thoughts about everything and to experience your soul. And I wish you a great day. You had a fantastic weekend. Karyna Tretiak 50:02 Thank you a lot. I really didn't expect it. Our conversation turned out to be so deep. But I'm very excited that we brought brought such such important topics and not only discussed some daily routine, but also our spiritual world, which we don't always have time to, but which is very important for us to be balanced, harmonized, and happy people in the end, I'm very grateful to you for inviting me. And good luck, everyone. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 50:43 Wait, before we finish, I might say that if there are two words that can describe you from our conversation, it's balance and harmony and new and adventure. I know those are four but if like dual categories, is this correct? Yeah, I Karyna Tretiak 51:02 think so. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 51:04 Thank you and goodbye.

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