E168 Katrin Strilets: International Law Student @ IIR

Episode 176 April 20, 2021 01:00:42
E168 Katrin Strilets: International Law Student @ IIR
Kyiv Future
E168 Katrin Strilets: International Law Student @ IIR

Apr 20 2021 | 01:00:42


Show Notes

Katrin Strilets is an International Law Student at the Institute of International Relations (IIR), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KNU). Katrin is a smart and active student who took part in various educational projects: Currently, she is participating with her team at the National Moot Court Competition on International Humanitarian Law. Katrin is a member of the Ukrainian Student League, and she is fond of the German language.

Her Instagram: @katrin_strilets

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Episode Transcript

Katrin Strilets 0:00 Try to understand yourself and what you want to do in this moment, and do what you want what you love. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:25 This podcast shows that Ukraine is not what foreigners see on television. Together, we will break all the stereotypes about Ukrainian so that when the flag of Ukraine is lifted anywhere in the world, everyone will know Ukraine, and its unique culture because today, Ukraine has a dynamic new generation that will change the world. Hello, my name is Aziz and I have a deep connection with Ukraine. My grandfather volunteered in 1987, to help liquidate the Chernobyl chemical radiation, because he believed in humanity, he was a real hero for me, and even though he struggled with cancer after that, for the rest of his life, he always told me many great things about Ukraine and its people. Then from 2018 to 2019. For two years, I began working with UNICEF in Ukraine, to help build orphanages for Ukrainian children. And thank you all so much for the support. More than 170 people participated in this project for Ukraine from the Vice President of the Helen modeling group, to the Vice Chancellor of the ugcc church, to the president of the Erasmus student network here to the President of the World Trade Center give to students from the FLEX program, Ukraine, Global Scholars, Yale University, Harvard and the London School of Economics to the United Nations, to the Vatican church, to interns at the Ukrainian parliament and the Canadian Parliament to top 1% students in Ukraine. But not only them. This project is for all Ukrainians, from all backgrounds, and if you wish to participate, send me a message on Instagram, as these dot future and join the telegram channel peer. Future. My goal is to make interviews with hundreds of Ukrainians and the world is listening. This podcast is already top 50 In the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland and Monaco, top 25 and Austria, Germany, Canada, Russia and Poland, top 15 in Australia, Italy, Spain and Dubai and top 10 In Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, South Korea, Singapore, and many other places because this is now officially the number one podcast on Apple about Ukraine. Together, we will break the stereotypes. Together, we will help all other countries discover and respect the greatness of Ukrainian people. And this good reputation will support the development of Ukraine, creating more opportunities for every Ukrainian to have a better life. So let's begin. My guest today is Catherine three let's Catherine is an international law student at the Institute of International Relations. Taras Shevchenko University, she is very fond of the German language and even wished to study in Vienna, Austria. Catherine is an active student. She takes part in various educational projects, including currently participating with her team at the National moot court competition on international humanitarian law, as well as being a member of the Ukrainian student League. She combines her studies, extracurricular activities, and hobbies in a balanced way. And one of her favorite hobbies is dance. Catherine, how are you today? Katrin Strilets 4:20 Yeah, hello, I'm fine. Thank you. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 4:23 I'm happy to have you here and to ask you then, about dance. Let's begin with that. Is it something that you really adore? Katrin Strilets 4:33 Yeah, I really like dancing. I like jazz funk. And I think that it's a really great opportunity. Firstly, to broaden your horizons and to start something new, for instance, as for me, it's dancing. And I think that each person can try to do this and enjoy this. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 4:58 Yes, and more. specifically about you. I like that you're speaking like a lawyer. Now to ask about Katrin, when you are dancing. What is your favorite part? Is it before? When you're having a difficult day or you're being busy? You think, wow, soon I'm gonna dance it will feel so good? Or is it the beginning? When you start to warm up? And you change your mood? Or is it the middle, when you're moving your body and you forget everything, and you're just in that timeless moment, or after, when you're recharged, and ready to change the world? What is your favorite part when it comes to dancing? Katrin Strilets 5:45 Okay, as for me, they're my favorite part. When I'm dancing, when I can lose all my thoughts about all things and problems and Just Dance just forget about different situations and realize myself just in dancing, Herrera, also like my feelings, what I can do during the dancing and, for instance, as you said, that I can change the world. So I enjoy this activity very much. And I I like dancing, especially just funk. As I say it's a However, I also I also dance to hip hop. And I think that it's also a really great way to realize yourself in dancing. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 6:46 Thank you. Yes, funk, hip hop, etc. And you do you prefer more? The kind of dance where you know the choreography, and your body can be busy moving, so that you focus on the emotion? Or are you more the kind that when you hear one of your favorite music, it gives you a motion, and then you share and express that emotion in any way your body wants to move? Are you which kind? Are you? Do you prefer? More of a freestyle kind of dance? Or do you prefer when you're following a choreography and realizing yourself by improving in that? Katrin Strilets 7:30 Actually, it depends on my mood. Sometimes I prefer dancing by hurry orography. But sometimes I really like freestyle because you can express yourself in your improvisation. And I think that, for instance, when I hear my favorite song, I can start dancing in my flat or in this three two or with my friends is so into I are very often dancing just by improvisation. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 8:11 Great. And you mentioned that you can even dance suddenly in the street? Are you someone who is not shy or affected by other people's thoughts about what you're doing? Or is that when you're with your friends, you are both all alike have the freedom to dance anywhere and you enjoy that? Are you more of the confidence type? Or is it important to you for what will be the reaction of the people in the street, etc. Katrin Strilets 8:45 I can say that I'm a confident person. And I'm not a shy type of the person. However, sometimes I can think about the thoughts of other people. But it doesn't mean that I'm a shy person because I can think about my self improvement. And from for example, when I hear my favorite song, I feel this atmosphere, I feel my emotions and I just want to express it so I don't even think of what other people might think about me and I just feel this moment and try to make it unforgettable for me and just start dancing. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 9:41 I like that. So when you hear your favorite song, you try to express that emotion and feel that moment and make that moment and forgettable Correct? Yeah, right. And do you have other ways or other hobbies So are other things that help you express your emotions and realize the moment and make it unforgettable in different ways. In addition to dance, Katrin Strilets 10:12 um, I have got different hobbies. For example, I like learning German. And I'm really interested in learning this language. Because it was a period of time when I thought that I wanted to study abroad at Savannah. However, and due to the situation with the Coronavirus, I decided to stay at Ukraine. And I decided to study at the Institute of International Relations. And I think that it was my best decision ever. Because now I have got more time to think about my future and about my future plans. And aim, sir, and maybe, then in four years, I will study abroad. So I need this language for my future prospects. However, I also like it because I have got friends in German, and we sometimes communicate with each other. And I also like some German songs. Yeah. And I think that it's a really great opportunity to know and learn more languages as you can, because you can broaden your horizons by this way. And I think that it's really useful for you in future. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 11:59 Thank you. Yes, now you have more time to think about your future plans while you learn the German language. And in four years, you can decide what will be the best for your future, right? Katrin Strilets 12:13 Yeah. All right. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 12:15 And tell me about Vienna. When was the moment or the story or the experience that made you think wow, I like this city. I want to study here before the pandemic of course, what happened? What caused you to fall in love with Vienna? Katrin Strilets 12:35 Okay, I visited the city with my friends when I was at the school. And it was a really great experience, because we spend a lot of time together in this city and it was love and the first sight I think, and I really like the atmosphere on the city people architecture there. So I decided that it was that city where I want to study However, I also like to give is my favorite city. So I like studying there too. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 13:21 Brilliant. So my next logical question is you mentioned that you're like the people in Vienna and yes your love give what do you think is different or similar or comparison between people thank you. And in Vienna Katrin Strilets 13:40 Oh, I think that there are a lot of differences actually. For instance, we have got in Ukraine, our pupil have more emotions, more can express their emotions, but in Vienna I think people are more call or may be and however there are also a lot of advantages in leaving abroad for instance, in Vienna, because there is a higher level of security in the CD for example, and a more different opportunities then in Ukraine, but I like our people and our mentality more maybe, and I feel more comfortable in my city in give. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 14:43 Thank you. Um, you said that people in Vienna are colder and that Ukrainian people express emotions more, which is amazing because that is the opposite of the stereotype and we are breaking stereotypes and I have a lot of the girls who are from Kyiv. And from Ukraine actually said this about themselves. They said we are emotional. We feel emotions a lot. But for some reason our faces is very serious poker face all the time. We don't know why. So you seem to be expressive. I don't know, whether it's only this moment or not. Do you have that poker face? And that people abroad notice about you? Because even one girl, she went on an exchange, and people were always thinking, Wow, she's so angry all the time. But no, she's just have that faith. Tell me about you. Katrin Strilets 15:41 Um, about me, I'm not very serious all the time. However, in some situations, in some periods of time, I can be zeros, but I, I like expressing my emotions and be emotional. But I'm also wary, maybe rational. And I, I think a lot about my decisions about my actions. So I zeros in this way. But I have got a lot of emotions. And I can express them if I want, if I want to share it them with people. So I think that in cetaceans are which is acquired these Cirrus emotions, I can express them. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 16:42 So you dance with your face? Yeah, have a serious their face? And so to ask you, do you like making decisions and thinking about them? Or does it take you more time because you spend some time or a while hesitating before you make a decision? Katrin Strilets 17:03 I hesitate a lot about my decisions, actually, I think that I will improve it in the future. And I am very serious about my making my decisions. But I think that sometimes it's really good. You're cheering me because I can make a right decision. But sometimes I hate my hesitating in some cetaceans. So I think that there are pros and cons in my character. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 17:43 Yes. And actually, I don't think it's something to overcome. Because being emotional means your mood changes. And when your mood changes your thoughts about the decision change. So it's your nature, otherwise, you won't be the happy, emotional girl that you are. And you wouldn't even be a good dancer. If you're that kind of super rational person. Do you know what I mean? Katrin Strilets 18:10 Yeah, I understand. I agree with you that dancing, acquire emotions, and you shouldn't be so shy. And you should express yourself your emotions in dancing. So I think it's matching your emotions and then saying, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 18:31 yes. And tell me about international law. That is what you study, correct? Katrin Strilets 18:38 Yeah, you're right. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 18:39 And when was that moment of hesitation, where you came to the decision of saying, Okay, I will study international law. What did you think about? And what convinced you have that decision? Maybe because you're emotional, you could have been anything, even like a movie star, or you could have been a politician in a different way, et cetera, international law, what made it when in your decision making? Katrin Strilets 19:12 Okay, I was interested in journalism. But after I finished the course, I realized that I actually didn't want to connect my future in this activity. And because and I chose international law because I, I thought that it's a really great opportunity to connect my future with this activity. I'm really interested in these fields, and I see many prospects connecting with the international law. So I think that it's very interesting to find myself in this sphere. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 19:55 And you mentioned, realize yourself and find yourself Solve? Do you feel your soul searching to truly understand yourself deeper? Do you think? What do you think about that, especially in a world that is chaotic, where we don't know what the future will be, but still people expect that to know, each next step? Katrin Strilets 20:19 You can't know. And you can't be confident, you can be confident about your future. And I think that it's normal, but you should appreciate what you have, and strive for more, you should try as more as you can. And IRL, I chose, try myself in international law. And I think that you can realize are that I can realize myself in this field, for instance, are by participating in different competitions, which are connected with the international law, and then you will be successful in these fields and achieve your goal. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 21:15 Yes, and we will speak about that, such as the moot court, etc. But for now, I want to know more about you. And you seem to be ambitious, and willing to challenge yourself, is this something you've always had since you were a little girl? Or was there a moment in your teenage years or something where you had an experience and thought, No, I don't want to have a normal life, I want to try my best to be the most successful I can be. Katrin Strilets 21:48 I always took part in different educational projects in different Olympiads. And I really enjoy these, these activities, because I think that you can boost yourself and when you overcome different problems and difficulties, or you become stronger, and it will help you in your future career. So I always, I always put sets, set my goals and achieve them. And for instance, I set a goal to finish my school with gold medal, it was important for me, not just because of this, this thing, but because of my knowledge. And this thing means my all my wheel to go to achieve my goals. And I did it. And for instance, I also set a goal to successfully pass my ie ie exams, and I also achieved it. So I think that goals is goals are an important part of your life, because you can set them and achieve them. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 23:18 I like that attitude very much, especially when you mentioned that the gold medal isn't in itself, the important thing, but the person you have become when you overcome the challenges and the difficulties. That is what you're proud of. And that is what your input what is important for you, correct? Yeah, you're right. And that is a very wise attitude and impressed actually, and to ask you more, because I believe that do that. It's not about the things it's about the person we become, when we archieve our goals. How did you discover that? You said you're like reflecting and thinking? Maybe it was it? Was you you noticed that? Or did you watch some YouTube video about self development or read a book that gave you this idea and you thought, wow, this is so correct. And you began to believe it? Katrin Strilets 24:16 Actually think that different motivation videos, it isn't very useful. My motivation. My motivation is people because their stories motivate me to go to overcome different difficulties and I believe in myself and maybe I even can say that I motivate my myself because I think that your motivation is inside you. And when I realized that my life have changed. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 24:57 I love this topic and we will speak more about intrinsic motivation, which is the motivation inside you, but first you set people and their stories, is there an example of a person or a story that inspires you. And that may be some times when there are challenges, you will remember, or think about and think, wow, that person did it. Therefore, I have no excuse. And therefore, I will do it too, or something like that, Katrin Strilets 25:27 um, I have got not many examples, because I can just read or know the story of each person, and it can motivate me. However, I'm really impressed all their life story of Elan musk, because he, he was born in a poor family, and he wasn't given opportunities he achieved all by himself. And then, and you, every one of us can, can see his achievements, for instance, Space X Tesla, and are there different things, and companies and I think that it's really great to understand that, that all different people can motivate yourself. And I think that you can motivate yourself by their stories of these people. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 26:33 And this is wonderful, and the story of Elon is great. And about you, when people meet you for the first time, or they see you before talking to you. Do they know you're this ambitious, mature? Goal setting girl? Who is also emotional? And who has her own motivation inside? Or do people have a different image about you? That may be totally wrong after speaking with you, they think, wow, you're different than I thought. Katrin Strilets 27:06 Honestly, I spoke with my friends. And I also asked them this question. And their first impression about me was Iran. But during our communication, they tried to know me better. And they say that I am. I have more and more different sides of my character than they thought at our first meeting. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 27:39 And that is wonderful. Before I ask you about intrinsic motivation. are you originally from Kyiv? Or from another city? And you went to study in Kenya? Katrin Strilets 27:51 I know I live in Kyiv. And I study here, too. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 27:56 Perfect. You spoke about you motivating yourself? You are your own fire? That does that. Two questions, one, did dance teach you something that helped with that? And second, why do you think many people don't have that? What do you believe, about possibility of achievement and motivation? That maybe many people don't? Katrin Strilets 28:23 It's a really interesting question. Firstly, I think that the secret of your inside motivation is that I know that I can do more, and I appreciate all things, all people all moments that I have, but I always strive for more. And I think that the secret is in this in this phrase, so you should value your value people rally your moments and appreciate them. But you also should understand that you can achieve more, and you should try to do this. And I think that different difficult situations. They make you stronger. And I understand for example, that I must never give up and go on. And I sometimes I think people can make mistakes, but it's normal and when you deal with the problem when you are come it you will be stronger and it is the most important thing that you should understand. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 29:52 I have so many questions now. And one comment, which is wonderful. This is like a very Buddhist belief. You have to believe that the moment now is perfect. I am grateful for it. And I want to make the next moment even better, which is what you said, um, that thought about overcoming challenges persisting, and that makes you stronger, which will give you an even better future. But I will go even back in time, did you believe that you were destined for something big, since you were a little girl, or you didn't have such believe in destiny? Katrin Strilets 30:33 I have thoughts about these, but I am. But no one can be confident in the future. And sometimes it's a really problem because I have got a really a lot of thoughts on this issue. But I just believe and do all what I can do. And I think that it's also very important. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 30:59 I love that it's stoicism, where you control what you can control, and you don't try to control what you cannot control. And that is the secret to a peaceful mind. I really like it. Do you read a lot of books? Are you more of a reader other than your study books, of course. And I'm sure especially during the pandemic, you have so much to read every day. Katrin Strilets 31:26 I don't read every day. But I like reading books, especially different from detectives. I really like these gender of books. But unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time to do these. But when I have a free time, I enjoy this. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 31:47 Tell me more? Is there like a writer? Or a series of detective books that you like? And what do you really like about it? Is it the suspense and the intrigue? And the emotions? Or is it the thinking where you try to think who did it? Who did it? Who did it? Or what do you like most about it? And do you have a favorite theories or writer or book in that genre? Katrin Strilets 32:14 I like Agata creases and directives, because I think that they're really interesting. And I can this genuine emotions and that you don't know the end of the book and you just overthink. Hoo hoo hoo hoo. And you you can't you can't it's just in life, you can you can be confident in your future. And in the book, you can be confident. And you always suspect someone and you wanted to know the end, but over when you know the end, it won't be so interested in. So I think that in life, you also shouldn't think a lot of the view of your future or and you should think of your future goals of your future plans. But you shouldn't concentrate on these issues a lot. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 33:24 Yes, that was smart. And I was gonna say that exactly. You and you mentioned it, but then you said it. So it's really cool. And to ask you then, about even before we speak about the instinct that there is so much to unpack, you have a really multifaceted, rich personality. And I really like that, to ask you about productivity. How do you keep how what is your process of productivity? Do you create priorities? Or are you excited about so many projects that you're doing 10 things at the same time? Or how do you keep your brain sharp? Do you nap? Sometimes in order to recharge your energy? Do you have a special diet? Or maybe you drink too much tea and coffee? Or how do you keep yourself productive? How do you recharge yourself so you don't burn out? And how do you stay active? Katrin Strilets 34:19 I think that my secret is in that I do what I love and I want to do all the things I want to be successful in them. And I also create priorities I have a to do list and I just try to do all the things that I wrote a however sometimes it is impossible, but I try to do as more as I can. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 34:55 I really like that especially you have to do your prioritize and You're doing what you love? Well, I have then to speak about the classic educational system, where yes, you have many subjects so you can explore more. But many people, they have topics, they have no motivation to do, but they are forced to study them. And therefore they are motivated motivation isn't from inside them. But but it may be fear from the parents, from society, from the bad grades from the teachers, etc. So you are interested in many things. But did you experience sometimes having top topics that or courses that you weren't really excited to do? How did you overcome that? Do you think that is a problem? And do you think it would be better if people could choose more, which specific subject to study the most that they're passionate about? Katrin Strilets 35:57 I think that in my university, we have got a lot of really interesting, interesting subjects. However, I concentrate only on those so which I really like, for instance, comparative constitutional law, or English. But if I don't like this subject, I just don't concentrate on it. And I think that it will be great when students have an opportunity to choose subjects, which they wanted to study, because it will be more effective, and students will have more desire to study them. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 36:50 Great. And did you say comparative constitutional law? Correct? Katrin Strilets 36:55 Yeah. Correct. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 36:57 What is so interesting to you about it? Why are you keen on it? And where did this fascination come from? Katrin Strilets 37:06 I'm really interested in this subject, because I you simply can know more about the legislative system, not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. And I think it will be a very useful for my future career. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 37:27 Thank you. You mentioned abroad again, you mentioned that you liked about Vietnam, the safety and security. Do you feel less safe in here? Or is that just compared to Vienna, any other city in the world could be thought of as less safe? Do you know what I mean? Katrin Strilets 37:51 Yeah, I understand you. I think that I feel safe in Kyiv, too. But in Vienna, people are more cold, as I said, and our mentalities are different. So I think it depends on this issue. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 38:15 Thank you. This is absolutely wonderful, and to ask you, these days, or this period, since you like to think and reflect what has been something you kept on thinking about a lot, maybe about life, maybe about that we cannot be confident 1,000% about the future, or maybe the pandemic or staying isolated and locked down or any other thing that you are thinking about a lot, because it's important to you, or you're trying to change or improve, or a challenge to overcome and become stronger. Katrin Strilets 38:53 I yeah, I really think a lot about that I can be confident 100% in my future, and it also motivates me to do more to be better every day. And I also think a lot about this situation, and with Coronavirus and Pandemic because it really changed me because I was really and I am now a really active person. I took part in different activities, educational projects, I always meet with my friends, we travel I like traveling so much. And now I haven't got all these opportunities and my life has changed. But, and I honestly I hate it Online studying, because it's very important for me to communicate with my friends every day to see them to go somewhere, because I think that our life is in action. And but I tried to accept this difficult situation now and understand that in some period of time, everything will be okay. And maybe not, world won't be the same. It, it was changed. But I think that, uh, we had a really interesting and unusual experience of pandemic. And it also made us stronger. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 40:51 I love it. I have two questions. But let's begin with a shorter one. You said strong and stronger five times now. So define it, if someone doesn't understand what you mean, exactly, with the word stronger, and exactly with when we overcome challenges, we become stronger, how would you explain it? Katrin Strilets 41:16 Maybe you, I also say did but is a perfect phrase. You broaden your horizons by different situations, and you have got more different thoughts, you have got new experience, which can boost yourself to do more to do in your in your actions. And I think that it means something like that. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 41:48 I like it. And you said new actions. So if I understood you correctly, we are in our comfort zone. But we are not growing that way. We have to go out of it. And out of our comfort zone, there are the challenges. And we only go there through action, otherwise, it's not possible. And by going there, our comfort zone grows. And when it grows, it's us who are becoming stronger. Did I understand correctly? Yes, Katrin Strilets 42:16 yes. I think that the growth of your comfort zone is very important for you. Because all right, you you can you can, as I said, do new actions, new steps. And it also very important in for teenagers for our youth, because we just try to do something new all the time, and we should go out of our comfort zone. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 42:55 Thank you very much. It's actually great. And you mentioned people you said you hate online studies because people are important to you. You mentioned before that the stories of people inspire you. Do you like meeting new people? Or is it more like you mentioned your friends and people who you know, to the deepen the relationships even more? And tell me why are people important for you. So first, whether you prefer new people and meeting new people, discovering new people, or with your friends, making those you know have deeper and deeper relationships, and in general why are people important for you? Katrin Strilets 43:38 As for me, new people are very important because each person is a better way to understand yourself. Because you explore different characteristics of each person. And you can think about different sides for instance of your character, you can know more information you can gain your knowledge in different spheres of our of their lives life of another person. And I think that when you deepen your relations with other person, you always become better you're all because you you can give something from another person and improve yourself. And as I said that I hate online studying because every day you should spend a lot of hours need you using your laptop and you just communicate with your friends with your teachers through the screen and it is very uncomfortable. And I think that these type of education has more disadvantages than advantages. And I think that effectiveness of there is no, there effectiveness of this type of study is very low. However, there are some advantages of this studying. For instance, I can sleep more before my lessons at university. And I also spend too less time for preparation for my lessons. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 45:43 Thank you. And I'm noticing, and since the beginning, I have been noticing your kinesthetic, that you're someone very embodied. And therefore you feel emotions and sensations, strongly. And that's also one of the hallmarks of dancers, because you spoke about action, the world is in action. You don't like looking at screens, you prefer to meet people in real life and experience people and explore them, etc. So can it be said, and I believe so. But correct me if this is wrong, that you feel emotions, and sensations strongly, and you like to pay attention to the moment to maybe a few walk in the park to hear the birds to notice the breeze on your skin? And to be fully in that sensation and emotion? Is this correct? Katrin Strilets 46:37 Yeah, I really agree that I, I like to be emotional. I like feel the moment and appreciate every situation, every person and every opportunity in my life. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 46:53 Perfect. And I liked it you spend you did spinning, which is politics method. To make sure, again, when you think this way, it means your brain thinks somewhat in metaphors. When you think about life or about studies or about people. What is a metaphor you think about that is more of a physical thing? I don't know you can think about it. Like, there is a road and you're walking in it or a mountain and you're climbing or it's a machine when it comes to your studies and you put in the different pieces. How do you think about it when it comes to being stronger and overcoming challenges and live in life? Being internally motivated? Etc? Katrin Strilets 47:43 Um, maybe I think that our life just as an as we driving in auto and machine because sometimes a your it can be Iran, your fuel may run out and you can stop. And do you sometimes have thoughts about or that you can give up. But then you charge in your mind you charge you're out. And you tried to go on. And I think that our life is consists of different cetacean and contrasts. And I think that we should just feel these cetaceans and in try to deal with them and become the better, the best versions of ourselves. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 48:52 Brilliant. And now I understand why you love German, because it's the autobahn. So you can drive your vehicle like maximum speed. Not worry. So okay. Yes, it's a vehicle we're driving it, sometimes the fuel runs low. So we need to recharge it and continue. And that is wonderful. But how does the vehicle become better? Because the problem with that metaphor, since you're about becoming better and stronger, but the car doesn't change? How does it change in your imagination, each time you feel and overcome challenges and moments and experiences? Katrin Strilets 49:36 Honestly, I haven't got an answer for this question. And I, I should think about it more. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 49:45 Thank you. And tell me about the moot court and your involvement with your team. Why did you choose international humanitarian law? Is it something that you chose or was assigned I came to you. And in general, what is interesting to you about that topic? Katrin Strilets 50:07 It was an accident. And we just wanted to take part in moot courts, and we it was the nearest one, and we chose to take part in it. And I think that it's really it's a great opportunity to practice and yourself in the fields of international law. And I think that it develops your public speaking skills when you researching. And when you search for information, you gain your knowledge. And I think that it's a really great way to impro improve my knowledge in the sphere of international law. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 50:59 Thank you. And you mentioned accident. Well to ask you, do you believe in accidents and coincidences or deep down? Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Katrin Strilets 51:15 I, I believe that everything happens for a reason, but but I think that there are some alternatives. And in some cetaceans, you can just thought that okay, I will choose this. And I, your life will be better by this decision. So everything depends on your moods and your thoughts and your actions. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 51:49 Thank you. So do you imagine there are like multiple alternative universes in this universe, you try to make the best decision that make you a better because you know, one of the universes that will make the best decision and another will make a bad one. And you don't want to be the bad one. Katrin Strilets 52:09 I don't know about another universities, maybe Maybe yes, maybe no. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 52:16 The most diverse? Well, this was really great. And really amazing. First, do you have any piece of advice for anyone who wants to develop their life, but they're in that moment where their car is low on fuel, and maybe it will help them recharge it? What would you say? That will be advice for yourself and for anyone listening, that will be good in their life? Katrin Strilets 52:43 I think that everyone should believe in themselves, listen to their hurts, and do as more as they can. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 53:00 Great listening to your heart, just to make sure was there moments before where you didn't listen really to your hearts because you were too busy and distracted. And then some day, you thought about it and felt it and had an experience and thought, while I have this heart, it's telling me so many great things as you trust myself and follow it or how was it for you? Katrin Strilets 53:28 I always try to follow my heart and my feelings. And I always feel the bed, what is the best thing to do or not to do and all my actions, all my communication with other people and all my decisions are based on my feelings. I understand that sometimes it's hard to understand, even for me, but I think that it's the best way to to realize yourself in this life. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 54:05 Thank you. And would you call that intuition or just listening to your hearts and emotions and feelings? Katrin Strilets 54:14 Maybe 5050. It combines intuition and my feelings of feeling of my heart and my feelings adult. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 54:27 Great. I was speaking to someone from Norway, and he's a really small Elon Musk in Norway. Yes, he said at first he was always trusting his intuition and emotion. But then at some time, for some reason, his mindset change and he thought no, that is not smart. I should use Excel sheets and logic etc. But then he found that is not so effective. So he was trying to return again and again to him is trusting his intuition and emotion. If someone did that before, maybe they followed their intuition and emotion and had a negative result. And now they have trauma. What advice would you give them, that will give them back confidence in their own emotions, intuition, and the heart, rather than trying to be too logical, and ignore their heart. Katrin Strilets 55:26 In some situations, I'm also too logical. So I'm person of contrasts. Sometimes I listen to my heart, and sometimes I overthink about the situation about the decision. So I think that you should try to understand yourself, and what you want to do in this moment, and do what you want what you love. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 55:58 Yes, it's like the temple in Delphi, then that you should know thyself, that is the first purpose and the first goal in life and after knowing yourself, then you can operate more. Well, this is wonderful. And Catherine to end, can you share about any projects you're working on, about maybe your studies or any clubs you're in, as well as if people want to follow you on social media? What is the best place, and I will make sure to write that link in the description. Katrin Strilets 56:34 Honestly, I have got a page in Facebook, and in my account, on Instagram, and I like taking photos very much. It's maybe some of my hobbies. And you can share my Instagram, in the I show my stories of my life stories with my different projects in which I participate. And my daily life. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 57:06 Brilliant, then I have a question about pictures. When you're taking pictures, what is the most important thing that you try to capture? Is it the emotions in your eyes? Is it the colors and different color escapes? Or is it the composition of the image that is more artistic, or just a story from your life and therefore, what is a story when it's inside the picture, not a movie, and not a video etc. Katrin Strilets 57:39 Sometimes I just I can just take a picture, when I meet with my friends when I go for a walk in the park. Mind. But sometimes I have that image and I have got a long preparation for my photo set. It also depends on my mood. And the most important for me is my inner sensation of the photo and of how it must look like. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 58:17 Great. And when you take pictures, some photographers, they say oh, you have to take 100 pictures, and you will find three that are great. And therefore take all the pictures you can while some others they say no, I haven't, I can imagine it in my head how it will be. And then maybe it will take 10 pictures and three will be great. Instead of 100. Which one do you think is more? Correct? And how do you do it? Do you take a lot of pictures? Do you pose for a few specific ones? How is the process? Katrin Strilets 58:53 I honestly I take a lot of pictures. And then I choose to the the one that I like more. And I think that is a really great way to take photos because you have got a bigger air really great opportunity to choose what you wish water you like. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 59:20 I really like that every answer you give your ad because and according to Charles Dinis research on persuasion, because it's like the most powerful world word that as long as you give a reason why people will be like understanding and I noticed you have a really great structure to everything you answered. So you have been practicing and doing things really well. I wish you a brilliant day. I thank you very much. And I wish you inspiration. I wish you overcoming of challenges. I wish you to become stronger, better and more successful and to read realize yourself in action around people you love. Katrin Strilets 1:00:04 Thank you very much for this amazing opportunity to be a part of this project. I think that it's a really great way to to start something new to show sales of Ukrainian youth and I'm really thankful Are you for all these ideas and these initiative

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