E260 Anna Kontseba: FLEX Alumna ‘19

Episode 273 October 28, 2021 00:49:30
E260 Anna Kontseba: FLEX Alumna ‘19
Kyiv Future
E260 Anna Kontseba: FLEX Alumna ‘19

Oct 28 2021 | 00:49:30


Show Notes

Anna Kontseba is a FLEX Alumna ‘19 and former City Representative of Uman, a student of International Economic Relations at Kyiv National Economic University, and an English Language teacher at Yappi Corporate.

Born in Uman, Ukraine, Anna loves Business, English , business English, geography, singing, fitness and traveling.

Instagram: @anna.kontseba

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Episode Transcript

Anna Kontseba 0:00 Stop worrying about things that they can't influence on. We can't really change the situation, but we can change how we react on it. And that's what helps me a lot. I try to change my reaction on some things and find some positive sides Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:32 this podcast shows that Ukraine is not what foreigners see on television. Together, we will break all the stereotypes about Ukrainians, so that when the flag of Ukraine is lifted, anywhere in the world, everyone will know Ukraine and its unique culture, because today, Ukraine has a dynamic new generation that will change the world. Hello, my name is Aziz and I have a deep connection with Ukraine. My grandfather volunteered in 1987, to help liquidate the Chernobyl chemical radiation because he believed in humanity, he was a real hero, for me, and even though he struggled with cancer after that, for the rest of his life, he always told me many great things about Ukraine, and its people. Then, from 2018 to 2019. For two years, I began working with UNICEF in Ukraine to help build orphanages for Ukrainian children. And thank you all so much for the support. More than 260 people participated in this project for Ukraine, from the Vice President of the Helen morling group, to the Vice Chancellor of the ugcc church, to the president of the Erasmus student network give to the President of the World Trade Center give to students from the FLEX program, Ukraine, Global Scholars, United World College, Harvard, and the London School of Economics to the United Nations, to interns at the Ukrainian parliament, and at the Canadian Parliament, to top 1% students in Ukraine. But not only then, this project is for all Ukrainians, from all backgrounds. So if you wish to participate, send me a message on Instagram at Aziz dot future and join the telegram channel. Give future My goal is to make interviews with hundreds of Ukrainians and the world is listening. This podcast is already top 50 In the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland and Monaco top 25 In Austria, Germany, Canada, Russia and Poland, top 15 in Australia, Italy, Spain, and Dubai and top 10 In Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, South Korea, Singapore and many other places because this is now officially the number one podcast on Apple about Ukraine. Together, we will break the stereotypes. Together, we will help all other countries discover and respect the greatness of Ukrainian people. And this good reputation will support the development of Ukraine, creating more opportunities for every Ukrainian to have a better life. So let's begin. My guest today is Ana conserva. Anna is a flex alumna of 2019, and the former city representative of Oman. She is a student of international economic relations at Kyiv National Economic University and an English language teacher at ERP corporate, born in Oman, Ukraine and loves business, English, Business English, geography, singing, fitness and traveling and the cuisine she loves is Georgian. Her favorite quote is never give up. Great things take time. Ana, how are you today? Anna Kontseba 4:36 I'm good. Thank you this so much. It's a pleasure for me to take part in such an amazing project. To be honest, I'm so excited to contribute a change in the image of Ukrainian people and share my experience because that's what I done during my FLEX program during my Flex experience and all my previous projects. So thank you so much. As Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 5:00 you're welcome, and you'll see more and more that this is really special and different, because I care about you, sharing your personality, your emotions, even your soul, because the souls of Ukrainian are beautiful. And this podcast is about sharing that soul part where every listener will feel like they connected and bonded and have no one. Someone from Ukraine with every single episode. So I want to begin with this. You are now when you want to feel truly alive, to experience your favorite emotions. What do you like to do? Anna Kontseba 5:47 I love traveling and meeting my friends. Well, meeting my friends is probably easier. Because I can do that. Basically, every day. And I feel really attached to people. I like spending time with peoples meeting new people making friends. And that's what brings some joy and some fulfillment to my life. And of course, I love traveling, I adore visiting new places. It's it's always something new. It's always a journey. It's always a lot of new emotions, even so if something goes wrong during my trip, it's always experience. That's what I love. I never know what will happen. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 6:33 Thank you. That's wonderful. So traveling, but it's not so easy, much easier spending time with your friends and your love. The unexpected as well as bonding with people because you're attached to your friends and the people you love and care about. Is this correct? Yes, for sure. And I'm surprised you didn't mention singing. Tell me more about that. Anna Kontseba 7:01 I used to sing in choir when I was in states. And before that in my in my school. I was in inquire as well. But as for me, it's more for now. It's not like a hobby that I do regularly. And but just when I when I feel happy. I seen when I'm glad about something or I said when I feel different emotions. I just listened to music, or I seen and I just thought it. I don't know. That's probably yes, I didn't mention that. But I love it too. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 7:36 So it's a way to express emotions when they're at a level that is above average. Right? Yes. Perfect. When it comes to traveling, let's speak about that. What is your favorite part of traveling? Is it getting ready just planning the trip? imagining how it will be unpacking? Or is it arriving and putting that first step into the country and just smelling the air? how different it is looking around feeling while I am not in Ukraine anymore? Or wherever you beginning from? Or is it when you realize you know, after a few days that wow, I'm settling in, I feel at home or I feel like getting into a new habit. And I noticed how people think they're different. All this culture, all these attitudes and behaviors or simply just sightseeing, exploring nature and seeing something exotic or for you. What is the part that is most impactful and emotional. Anna Kontseba 8:55 The most emotional one, it's the first step probably and feeling new air for me. Every time I go, I go on a trip or I visit new country or whatever happens. I I'm just feeling your emotions and every time it's it's so exciting. And for me the best thing about traveling is enjoying enjoying something new, experiencing something new. I never pay much attention to some things that are going so people usually tend to analyze countries how bad their roads are or how mentality is different. I usually just enjoying enjoying being in a new environment. And for me, traveling is more about just taking a moment to appreciate probably Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 9:58 do take a more All men to appreciate when you're in your day to day not traveling? Anna Kontseba 10:06 Yes, I do. I have a really, really beautiful view from my window. And every time during the sunset, I'm just, I don't know, I every day I have a moment, not my probably every day, that would be a lie. But most days, I have those moments that I read. And I feel like I'm really happy. And I love living in Ukraine, that's for sure. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 10:34 Thank you. You love living in Ukraine. And when you look at outside your window, especially when there is Sunset, you feel that moment that you appreciate life and are grateful to be alive and realize all the depth of life. Right? Yes. And then what will be an ideal perfect day for Ana? Imagine you're like the queen of the world, you have all the money, all the success, all your friends are happy. And family, you can design a day, in any location in any weather to wake up at any time you wish. What would you do first? Second, third? With whom? Where? Tell me everything? Anna Kontseba 11:27 Well, that's a that's an amazing question. Honestly, I don't know if it would be if it was a special day, like not regular not routine. And I would probably prefer to wake up in Thailand, near the seaside. And first, it every morning, I need to have a cup of tea, cup of tea or coffee, it's, it's really important for me to first hour when I get up to just relax and let the day start. Well, I first I would probably enjoy the ocean then swim for a little bit. I would love I would like to spend this time with my boyfriend, of course with my significant other. And then I would call my mom tell to talk about something. And I don't know, in the evening, I would like to work. I love English teaching. And even though as you said I have all the success or the money, I like to work at least a little bit and have some time with people. And probably in the end of the day after work, I would go for a party, I would go in a party and have some fun with my friends. And enjoy this slide. And that would be a perfect day for me. And I forgot to tell Bob in the middle of the day, it will be for fitness. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 13:06 Thank you. I noticed Yes. Your love for teaching the English language. What's special about it that is meaningful for you. Anna Kontseba 13:18 Every time I came back from work, or whether it's online classes or offline classes, I'm very happy. And I'm I don't know, I'm just having the right mood. Like I'm always I'm always with a smile after my classes. And that's what I love. I love people, as I said and new people and just for me, it's just part of sharing my knowledge, communication. And I don't know, I don't really feel like I'm doing a lot of job. But I feel like I do something important and meaningful. And I really enjoy it. That's like for me that feels like a hobby. Probably. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 14:10 Thank you. Tell me about that hobby. What do you consider your hobby other than thinking I guess it was in the choir or listening to music? Because you mentioned that you love traveling. You love spending time with friends and those you love. But when it comes to hobbies, and since you are always into new things, is there something new that you're into these days? Anna Kontseba 14:39 I'm into business management, reading about business and probably international relations and economics. Because that's what that's what I study and that's what I really like. I'm always curious. I'm not I don't know Arabic Then about these topics, and that's that what drives me, I always tend to learn more. And I really enjoyed I read books, I I read them slowly, always. And I try to remember the information, even though that that cannot happen sometimes. But I really enjoy it and geography, economics, sometimes even politics, but I'm not into that right now. But business management is one of the most interesting things for me right now professionally, and just just a hobby to read about it. I hope it will help me in the future, I will use my skills and knowledge. So that's, that's for now. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 15:55 Why is it so interesting and important for you now and the future that it became an important focal point for you? Anna Kontseba 16:05 Honestly, I don't know. I just love it. I read about it. I'm curious. I love reading about successful people. Even though sometimes it seems to be so hard and those achievements seems to be they seem to be so difficult, and I don't even know. But reading about business, how it's structured, how it works. It's, it inspires me, that's for sure it I don't know, it's just the way people leave the way people work the way they spare their work. And I don't know, I I enjoy it. I love this experience, this reading about different experiences, and marketing, how they sell products, how they promote them, it's, it's really interesting as well, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 17:06 thank you for that. It's really, really cool. And so I want to ask you about this. You as a person who bonds a lot with people and with your friends. When you meet new people, are you first reserved. And then when you know them, you know, facts about them and spend time you open up more and more when you see the person is your kind of person? Or are you warm and open and just sharing energy from the first second, Anna Kontseba 17:41 I'm the mix of I'm the mixture of two variants. Sometimes I'm just smiling and having fun and open minded right away. But sometimes, yes, it takes for me like 1/3 At first, when I meet people, I'm just talking, you know, like small talks, these topics that are not really debatable or something, not to show your point of view on some topics, because it's really hard for for people who just met. But then I open open. And if I see that that's my kind of person I tell a lot more about myself I I'm more open to them. And I'm not. I'm not I'm just feel feel comfortable. But sometimes that happens that I'm open right away. I'm okay with that. It really depends on my mood. It really depends on the situation and on how we met, whether it's in professional environment or on a party. So that that depends as well. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 18:51 Thank you. And since you're a mixture of both, I have to ask, because many of the girls from Ukraine who were on my podcast, they admit they have a very serious poker face, often, especially when they meet new people. One of them said well, because we look at phone screen all day, so the face that he's in that way. And other ones he said we grew up with teachers or like always turn therefore that's the faces we know. But for you. Do you have such a serious poker face when you're not around your best friends and sometimes people might think why is this girl angry or something? Or is your face full of smiles and showing all your emotion? Anna Kontseba 19:42 I used to have a poker face before my Flex experience. I was always like staying calm and serious. And then when I came back when I came back after the US I started smile more. I I started actually appreciating my life more and be more open minded. So now I'm more Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 20:06 second. But first, what changed it? Did you hear comments about it? Did you notice something because you said I went and then when I returned, I changed. But you didn't say, the catalyst or the inciting incident or reason why? Anna Kontseba 20:22 I have no idea. It just changed, my face just changed. It was I don't know, I've a lot of changed actually, my values, my points of view on different things. And I've changed completely probably, it was really stressful time, when I was in the US, I love my host family. But I felt really, really lonely because I didn't have that support from friends. So when I came back to the, to Ukraine, I've changed and it was I started appreciating more and smiling more, and just, hey, Ana, you're at home. You're happy and, and show and share your happiness. So now, yes, I smile more, that's for sure. And I smile to people who I don't know. And I think that's for the bad. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 21:23 Thank you. Yes, it sounds better and really wonderful. Then to ask you, you said you bond with people, what are some characteristics or things about people that differentiates between those, you bond with them, and become close compared to others who stay at the level of acquaintances, or just like people, you know, that are good people, but they're not at that level. Anna Kontseba 21:56 I know that I can trust my people. They are and they are always ready to be there for me when I need them. I can rely on them. That's one of the most important they are reliable, I can one of the most important characteristics because for me, I don't know I'm just I love positive people, those who I can rely on and and that's probably what differentiates them. I don't trust a lot of people, even though I'm always open minded, but I never feel attached to them. If I know that they one time they can do something bad for me or just our relationship can go wrong, I have to be completely sure that they that they are my people Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 22:56 completely sure that they are your people. Can you define for you? What does it mean to trust and attachment or feeling attached to someone? Anna Kontseba 23:11 Trust, it takes some time. It takes some time. And when I meet new people, I usually talk to them a lot, spend a lot of time with them, if I think that we could become friends or something, so and I know that I can trust them because I saw them in different situations. So that takes time and feel really attached as well. It takes time for me to feel truly attached to someone. And I can just be really open without thinking how this person could treat me impossible in different possible situation. For example, I know that my best friend will always support me, like she's always ready to support me even though we live in different cities. And I've just feel that I can't really say that. Okay, I know that that will always be like that. But I feel like she she's attached to me and I'm attached to her and the same with my parents and my family. So those are my people. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 24:22 Thank you by then I'm wondering if you travel a lot and explore all the exotic places. You'll only have short time like interactions and friendships with people. So won't that not allow you to have the attachments that make your life meaningful? Anna Kontseba 24:45 Honestly, I don't know. That's a great question. And when I travel, and I meet new people, I usually stay in acquaintances with them. So all my close friends and family They are here in Ukraine. And I can say that I have I have two friends who are like, still, I feel like they are my best friends there in Germany. But otherwise, all my people in Ukraine, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 25:17 thank you. And in general, what do people give you? Is it an exchange of energy? Is it not feeling alone? Is it learning from their life experiences and the things they have overcome? Or what is it about people that make them such an integral part of your life? Anna Kontseba 25:40 It's all of those things that you have just mentioned. Yes, it's an exchange of energy for sure. And, and I love talking to different people, like different ages, different occupations. And that's, that's really cool. You know, you can find out something new for yourself, you can open something new for yourself. So there's exchange of knowledge, emotions, energy, and I don't know, I feel just like I like it. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 26:13 What is the meaning of the energy of people? Anna Kontseba 26:17 In most of the situation? It's just smiles, its emotions. I can't explain it, probably because there are no words to describe it, but you can definitely feel it. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 26:34 Okay. So let's imagine this, there is only two people in the world. No. Two people in the world. One of them, they're agreeing with you about everything, and you have the same views. But in reality, they're pretending because they want them to like you, and another person who is confident about their true opinions, and they declare it honestly, but they disagree and you disagree with them with everything. Which one would you prefer spending time with? Anna Kontseba 27:13 Second one, even though we have different views? I hate people who are pretending. And I would rather stay with second type of people. I know that is harder. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 27:26 But do you have relationships with people who totally disagree with you and are different to you, I don't mean your fight and all the day or anything, but in all the views, you're not having 40 are not compatible. Anna Kontseba 27:45 I can say that I have them as close friends. But I know a lot of people who have different views than mine, and I'm fine with that. I'm all I'm always fine with that. I mean, we don't have to have the same view to use to hang out together to just talk to each other. It's it's fine. So yes, we are not fighting, but still we are not close friends. And I'm okay with that. I'm okay with that type of people. But I really don't like those who pretending Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 28:22 Yes, because you cannot trust them. And if you see them in different situations, they will behave differently. So they're not consistent. And you don't know how they will treat you in other situations. Is this correct? Exactly. When you meet people, do you seem to see categories or patterns of kinds of people? Or do you see uniqueness and totally different ways and personalities and each person Anna Kontseba 28:56 at first I see patterns. Of course, I can I can tell that some people have some categories of people they tend to have similar characteristics. But when I talk to them more, I see this uniqueness if we have long communication, if we talk a lot and I can really, I can feel what what they feel I can find out more about them. Then I see the uniqueness. But at first of course I see the patterns. I see what's similar about some groups of people and that's fine as well. That's how I think that's okay for nowadays and it has always been like that. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 29:45 What is more interesting for you, a person who you can have with really electrifying, interesting conversations at all times, or someone who you feel So good with that you don't even have to speak. And you feel you just understand each other and don't need to say a word. Anna Kontseba 30:10 The second option, yes, there is that kind of people who you don't even have to talk too much, you just feel them, and you like spending time with them. Because you have this energy, this energy that you can describe, and my friends belong to that category. We have the same values in some ways, but not all of my friends. And some of them I just like spending time with because they're great people. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 30:40 No, tell me more. What do you believe in your own way? It's that energy that makes some people feel so good with each other, like, they know each other forever, while with others, it doesn't exist. And it's not the same person. It's not like, for you, the person you feel that everyone else feels the same, but it seems to be unique to each person. What do you think this phenomenon is, and that energy is, Anna Kontseba 31:12 um, I don't know, it's just, I'm really happy that in our world, people are really different. And that's how we can find those who we feel the most, who we are attached to the most, and who we can share our lives with. So for me, is it's just, it's just magic that happens between people, between friends, how you become friends, and you. For me, my friends, they're all there, most of them are not in Kyiv. And every time we meet, nothing has changed. It always been like that. Even after the year in the States, I came back to my best friend and we hug each other and we were so happy. And we didn't even have to say a word. And that's that kind of people who you should keep close to yourself, to feel really, to feel really happy. That's, that's for me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 32:18 They feel really happy you keep such people close to you. And it seems to me that people are so important in your life. So how is your business education, a way to promote that or to support that desire for trustworthy people? Or to be someone people can rely on? Or anything like that? Anna Kontseba 32:45 That's an interesting question. But I don't really have an answer for that. I don't think my education is connected to those people who I love. And it's just they have always shared my new my views on such topics like business, and B, we can discuss it. But I never really thought about doing business with my friends or making a business to do to engage people and to engage to encourage trust between people or joy. I love people. I love people who are with me. And yes, that makes me happy. But I have never thought about that. As in a professional way. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 33:40 Thank you. It seems so interesting. Then to ask you, you said your values have changed everything about you changed after your flex experience. Let's pick about you now. What kind of person is the best version of NA, that you aspire to be? Anna Kontseba 34:02 The best version of Amina is is always with a smile. She's always confident in what she's doing. She feels amazing physically and emotionally and she loves what she's doing. She's always busy and happy and just full of joy. I can tell that I try to be the best version of myself every day. But I think I'm changing always and it's fine. And I change I change. I'm changing my points of view on something really often and I think that's okay as well because that's part of being an adult. I'm becoming older and older and I'm growing up and That's okay, too, that that means that I grow. So my best version of ANA is just the head person who shares her emotions who shares her knowledge experience. And, and that's it. Thank you. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 35:17 So at the same time, I'm wondering, you love new experiences you love what is new? What is next? Even now you said you're always growing, evolving, so there is no fixed. Next version, it's always changing. And therefore to ask you, do you feel bored? If you're not doing new things? Anna Kontseba 35:45 I think I do. To be honest, I don't know, I love my hobbies. But when I'm, for example, let's say geography, I was, like, I love geography for my whole school life. And but at one point, it was just, Okay, I'm done with that. I know, a lot of things. I'm not interested in that anymore. That's, let's see what business is about. So I'm curious about I'm curious about different things. And for me, staying on one spot would be difficult. But that doesn't mean that I don't want to settle down or in one place, or just to have one job, like work for one company for my whole life. I could see that. So I don't know. It's just, it depends on the situation as well. But I, I do like to have new hobbies, to experience something new and just to leave to to, to fill my life with different emotions. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 37:01 To fill your life with different emotions, how do you feel emotions, I had some guys that, or it's like energy moving in my body, maybe in the chest and the arms and all that another one, she said, It's like colors. And we use that I see that can be green, or red or orange or blue. Another one she said, It's like being in different natural places where happiness is sitting at a beautiful beach without any waves. But being angry is like a tornado destroying a forest or something for you. How do you experience emotion, since new emotions and more emotions makes you feel alive? Anna Kontseba 37:55 I really love the comparison of motions and nature, I can relate. And for me experiencing you emotions is, um, is always, I don't know, I can't really describe it. It is. It is waves and colors, and nature. And I don't know, it's all of those things. I'm just really happy to be a human and to live my life. And that's what I know what I appreciate, and how I see the energy and how I see the world. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 38:37 What does it mean to be human? Anna Kontseba 38:40 To be human? To live to live your best life? How how people usually say and to, to just adore what you're doing and enjoy every day. I don't know a lot of people say that. Life is not just about happiness, life. It's not just about success, or some different things. I think for me, life is about happiness. And you shouldn't be happy about everything you do. Whether it's your job, your family, your hobbies, your soul, whatever it is, you should be happy about that and you should leave. And you should appreciate every day you leave because you never know what will happen next. And that's okay as well. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 39:29 Yeah, things unexpected, like the pandemic can happen. And so to ask you, you always want new things you want to move. You want to be active and to travel and all that. How did you deal with the lockdowns, quarantines, Corona, and the pandemic? Anna Kontseba 39:52 Honestly, it helped me so much like pandemics was one of my favorite times the class here It was brilliant for me, I loved it so much. First of all, I stopped, I stopped, stopped running. And I started a new hobby. That was, that was the beginning of my fitness journey. I was at home doing exercises, exploring new things painting, and I enjoyed this now, and now live life will never be the same as before the pandemics. So that's that's cool too. But to be honest, lockdown has helped me to, to explore something new about myself. And I didn't have a depression. Even though I couldn't meet my friends, it was really hard. But we FaceTimed and that was okay. But for me, it was about exploring something new about myself, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 40:56 exploring something new about yourself. Some people were different to you, are they well felt depressed, they felt stuck and negative because of this pandemic. And maybe they still feel that way. What would you recommend to them, in order to feel more positive, appreciative, and similar to you, Anna Kontseba 41:22 I would recommend them stop worrying about things that they can't influence on, we can't really change the situation, but we can change how we react on it. And that's what helps me a lot. I tried to change my reaction on some things and find some positive sides. Okay, pandemic, but you can do something else, you can find something new, it's always shocking. It's always some, it's it's always new experience. You have to change something, but find positive ways and you'll be fine. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 42:00 What are some of the most favorite things about yourself that you're really like, Anna Kontseba 42:09 I never give up. That's my favorite thing about my character. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 42:14 Tell me more. What happened examples in your life that really show you and prove to you are now is a person that never ever gives up? Anna Kontseba 42:25 I have a story about that. And why this words are so important for me. When I was at school, I was passionate about geography, as I mentioned, and I was I was 14 years old, it was eighth grade. And I took the first place in my city's geography Olympiad than second in my region. And even though I was second in my region, I got offered to take part in national competition. And I And that year, I was right below the line of the winners on of the national competition. But I really enjoyed people there and all the atmosphere there, the competition was in Sweden. It inspired me to try again next year. And after I came back home, I just restored my resources, my energy. And I started to learn more to practice and everyday during the whole year, I studied hard, really hard, and I am sure I will never do that. Again. It was really hard and sometimes stressful. But it was like my goal, to be above the line to be pleased to take at least third place on the national competition. And a year after I was 15 years old, and I took the first place and that would I prove to myself that I can do everything and after that. I never give up i That was that was a turning point in my life. And that was the reason why this words like never give up. It is also a reason why I got flex scholarship because I got it from the second time. And even something go even if something goes wrong. I never give up. I know that I can do this. It just takes some time. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 44:34 Thank you that's so inspiring. And I really support and encourage your determination and perseverance. It's really really great. And nah, this was honestly a privilege, a great time together and the blessing. And to finish this Can you please share There are two things. One, what is the best social media if people want to follow you and to know more about you? And second, share something about the FLEX program for people who don't even know about it, share something to about the fact you tried and the second time you got it. So maybe it can encourage some flex hopefuls who might try to give up, just say, what is it? Why is it important and encouraging words for people who might try and worry there will fail, or try to apply for flags and failed for the first time? Anna Kontseba 45:44 Regarding the social media? If Instagram is better to follow me on Instagram, or? Or just text me in Telegram, but I don't use Facebook so much. And that's it probably. And regarding paths, just try for those who have failed already. The first try, don't worry, there is always second try. And even if you fail the second time, something better will wait for you later. And it's always like that. I know a lot of people Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 46:22 who actually one second, I know some people who got it on the third try. I think it's possible, isn't it? Anna Kontseba 46:29 Yes, it's possible for some groups of people, but I'm not sure about the rules. But mostly, it's two times because of the age. But yeah, if you even if you even lose this chance, it's not actually like that you will get something better in the future. That means that you flex experience is just not for you. And that's okay. It's not for everybody. And but if you are flex participant or flex alumna. It's a life changing experience. And just some people, it's necessary for them to have this experience. And they are provided with this change chance by fate or American Councils, I don't know. But for some people, it's not it doesn't play so much. It doesn't play such a big role for them. So that's fine. And whatever happens in your life, just try more, try hard, do your best. And one day you will get you will get to that point you will achieve your goals. Just on your journey. Be happy and proud of yourself. You deserve great things. Do the best things for yourself, achieve your goals and never give up. That's for sure. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 47:54 What is your belief about fate and destiny? Anna Kontseba 47:59 I like it's 5050. I believe that some things are just made for us that we have some birth, but it's always in our hands what we are going to do with this path, how we are going to how we react on different things and what we do. So fate I think it exists. But mostly we infer we are those who influence on our lives. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 48:30 Thank you so much, Ana, really, a thank you so much for this time for your thoughts for your wisdom. And I wish you a great day. And I remind you to look at every sunset and every sun down from your window and never miss a day. Anna Kontseba 48:51 Thank you so much. It was a great time. And thank you for that amazing project. Thank you for being that person who changes the changes the image of Ukrainians who break stereotypes that's really important for our culture, and I really appreciate that. So thank you so much for your work. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 49:14 You're welcome. Really, you're so kind

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