* Aziz - IG @aziz.future
* Sophia Zhyvolup - IG @monplaisir__
* Yana Ushpik - IG @yana_ushpik_withlove
* Daria Burlaka - IG @_dariyka_da
* Michael Kats - IG @michaelkats94
Event on Telegram Channel http://t.me/KyivFuture
Mariiana Lavrukhina is an International Law Student at the Institute Of International Relations (IIR), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KNU). Born in Dnipro,...
Valeria Davydova is an International Communications Student at the Institute Of International Relations (IIR), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KNU). Born in the...
Iryna Liesnykh is an Engineer, a Master of Sports in Volleyball, and an Entrepreneur. She is the co-owner of Escargot.Shop: a Ukrainian producer of...