Interview - Riccardo Cascianini: Powerful Life Lessons

Episode 45 January 19, 2021 00:42:35
Interview - Riccardo Cascianini: Powerful Life Lessons
Kyiv Future
Interview - Riccardo Cascianini: Powerful Life Lessons

Jan 19 2021 | 00:42:35


Show Notes

Riccardo Cascianini is the Executive Vice President at the Helen Marlen Group, a leading luxury speciality retailer representing the world's top designers in Ukraine. Riccardo has traveled all over the world, from India to Argentina, but returned to live in Kyiv twice. He loves and admires the Ukrainian people, their hard work and their culture. He shares his biggest realizations about life, spirituality, feeling the moment, Good Quality People, and the legacy he wants to have in this world.


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Riccardo Cascianini 0:00 Give people are amazing, unbelievable amazing. They are worker colleague, they are working very hard. And the example that they want to change is the recent revolution in my dad. So they, they want to be and to feel better, because they knew that around the Ukraine is another word. So that's why that's why the people are I really liked the Ukrainian people. The country is so rich in terms of culture, in terms of possibility, in terms of everything's that it's really difficult to find in Europe, this kind of opportunity. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:55 This podcast shows that Ukraine is not what foreigners see on television and reality, Ukrainian people are much better, much more interesting and friendly than other people expect. This podcast is about the real life experiences, work and personalities of Ukrainian people with a focus on the capital Kyiv, as well as foreigners who have experience in Ukraine and with Ukrainian people. So that foreigners discovered the positive truth about Ukraine, visit the country and invest in the economy, creating more opportunities for the younger Ukrainian generations to stay and build their country. Hello, my name is Aziz and I have a deep connection with Ukraine. My grandfather volunteered in 1987 to help clean the Chernobyl chemical radiation because he believed in humanity. It was a real hero for me. And even though he struggled with cancer for the rest of his life, he always told me so many great things about Ukraine and its people. Then from 2018 to 2019. For two years, I began working with UNICEF in Ukraine to help build orphanages for the children who lost their families in the war. I could not return to Ukraine in 2020 because of COVID-19. So this project is my volunteer work to help Ukraine. Man, thank you all so much for the support. This podcast now is ranking number one on Apple podcasts about Ukraine. Top 100 Travel podcasts in Switzerland, top 60 Travel podcasts in the UK, top 25 Travel podcasts on Apple, Russia and top 20 on Apple Poland. Thank you. My guest today is Ricardo Garcia Nene from basketball to Ingram to building one of the largest luxury shopping malls in Russia, with over 25,000 square meters and seven floors to becoming the executive vice president at the Helen Marlin group, from Italy to Russia, to the US to Argentina to Ukraine. Kyiv, Ricardo has dealt throughout his career with the 2008 economic crisis, the Euro Maidan revolution, and now the COVID 19 situation which is affecting the whole world Ricardo, how are you today? Riccardo Cascianini 3:13 Good. Thanks for having me. Very good. And a lot from the cold kill because today it's minus 20. It's very rare and cubed minus 20. So I'm very happy to be a part of your famous podcast. Thanks for inviting, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 3:29 I am honored, happy, glad. And now I would like to ask something. Can you give like a brief story about who you are that made you very cargo of today, just as a quick general context, Riccardo Cascianini 3:45 am I will be made 52 years old. So it's already more than 25 years that I'm traveling all over the world. And I had the opportunity to work with a very important manager. But you know, recently in the last 10 years, I have two important mentors in my life. The first one is my father. We do I'm strictly in good connection every day. And the second one is the first business manager that introduced the fictional acts of in Russia, Mr. Corrado, so they are mine mentor, and thanks to them and now the person who hand now I'm extremely more pragmatic, realistic, and spiritual, let's say because I strongly believe now in the energy in the meditation in yoga and this activity can help me a lot Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 4:40 Wonderful. Now, we will explore them more of the nature of reality then, because it reminds me of this, you became more spiritual and pragmatic, which is a contradiction, but normally they say that genius is being able to operate at two contradictory Ways at the same time, so I salute your genius, but to ask you then about this was it that in your life in the beginning, you thought that you could plan everything and that everything will go according to plan. And then life has shown you that there is a lot more of good fortune that can help someone become the best that they can be, and that we cannot plan everything, but be ready for opportunities and become the best version. And that is how life works, or what is your perspective on this. Riccardo Cascianini 5:34 I completely agree at the beginning of my career was planning any things I just was focus to increase my career and my salary, my position, my responsibility. And then step by step, working in different countries in the world understand that this things are important, but not extremely important. So I try in the last, let's say, eight years, to be more detached from the material things and give more importance to the feeling with the people to the connection with the people, I normally use the code the G Coupe. So I'm trying to meet just good quality people, people that give me something that I can give something to them. So it's a sharing of thought, consideration, emotion, feeling. The other things are now not any more important, logically, I'm extremely professional. But I give more attention to the quality people that are around me and try to help them to, to reach good success, and to work properly and to think properly and to be good with other people around. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 6:47 Wonderful. Then I'll ask about two things. One, what is the criteria that allows you in a way to decide whether someone is good quality person or not? Or is it a feeling? And second, it seems that in many ways you learn from your mentors how to be a good mentor? Do you view that the role of a leader is in many ways, mentoring good quality people, or what is to you leadership in a way that all throughout your experience, you came to the understanding and the conclusion that this is what leadership means. So if the criteria for good quality people and about leadership, I usually Riccardo Cascianini 7:31 say to all my colleague and friend that nice, I think that I have sixth sense. So that means I feel the people, I don't know what had happened to me. And I noticed more and more often recently, when I met somebody, I immediately feel something. My I'd say warning alarm is if normally you have at least at the beginning oiling conversation or meeting you have approximately seven seconds to remember the name of the person or to focus on some detail of the person, I have five second, because I feel the person I immediately connect with the eyes of the of the person of the person that is in front of me. And if I understand and if I feel comfortable, I consider this person is a good beginning of our conversation. Logically, this is my criteria. And I try to be most of the time extremely present during any kind of conversation friendly business, or any kind of meeting. So I want to be extremely attentive. That's why I'm starting to have a super brain, some courts online to remember the name to be attentive on the person that is in front of me. Regarding my mentor II taught me just a few, let's say suggestion, advice. Just treat the people that is in front of you as you would like they treat you. So I have a great respect for everybody. And I gave to all of them the opportunity to talk as a as a thought may be a good listener be good before to talk. So I like to talk with people. And I really like to listen the experience of the other people that is in front of me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 9:21 I love it. And you all find that this podcast is really about sharing experiences of people in exactly that the way that you describe then to ask you, you mentioned about having a super brain which is learning you mentioned about being present which means meditation. And you mentioned about giving everyone a chance but also trusting your feeling about people which is empathy or even being an empath which is even higher. Well at your age of wisdom is are these things that you valued when you were very young and you grown throughout your Life, or Where's there an experience or story that made you decide, okay, learning must become a priority. presence has to be a priority. And getting in touch with the my gut compared to, like when speaking with people should become a priority. Now because of previous mistakes, Riccardo Cascianini 10:20 I didn't have this feeling at the beginning of my career at all, I was not even present sometimes during important meeting, I was just focused and overwhelmed by my things. Just recently, in 10 years by case, I started to read the first one book, that is the seven rules to be a success to have sex. And I started to be more and more involved in all the spiritual life. So I travel a few times to India, I was in Ashram to meet the monk to understand how they are thinking, I was practicing, I'm practicing yoga and meditation every day. So for me, it's, it's, it's very important to have this kind of activity during the day, because it's giving me the good start of the day. If I'm not meditating in the morning, and in the evening, I feel not comfortable. Regarding people, I always like to be in the crowd. And I always like to listen, but now more, because I'm cool, because I'm 51. And then try to give at least some good suggestion to my friend, to my kids, to my family to my co link, because I understand that it's extremely important to listen that everybody has different feeling emotion, request. So I'm, I'm really happy to be part of their life. Nevertheless, now, for example, I'm starting to think to study to be like business coach, but just not to be to have another, let's say, job when I will be hold on the retirement just because I want to be better. And I want to discover more things about myself, because I recently discovered that the this spiritual way is really full of so many information. And I'm so curious to discover as much as I can. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 12:34 I love that. You said you are curious. And in some ways, I am thinking that when you learn about things, it's always about how does this teach me about myself as Ricardo, when you listen to people, you think, what can I learn from that perspective, that will make me a better person as me, Ricardo, and it's about learning, learning, learning about who you are, and about the world. And that is, in a way, a strategy that you follow? One, is this correct? Second, Riccardo Cascianini 13:09 is really correct. I completely agree with you, sir. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 13:13 Thank you. And do you notice that many executives from all over the world that you meet, might not have this strategy? Or do you view that anyone who will be higher in the hierarchy will have this strategy as well, or it's not, but you try to share it, and mentor people to follow that. Riccardo Cascianini 13:34 I mean, I met a lot of these topics like creative and logically, they are managing billions of dollars of businesses. So they have their coach, business coach, spiritual coach, and with some recently when one famous manager in Italy, we share during a dinner, we were starting to talk about business. And then we arrived to the point that both of us we like to meditate. So it's as for me, for this important Manager. This way, this new life, let's call New Life arrive by case we were not looking for. It just arrived through curiosity. It just arrived through watching Netflix, and it started to be more and more inspiring for me. So it's extremely important now for me, to give attention to the people that is around me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 14:36 I love that. To me, the biggest benefit of meditation is actually that it makes me feel the day is much much longer before the week felt like a day and the year felt like three weeks not even a month. Now. It feels a lot more. The sense of time expands and there is presence and attunement to reality than to I Ask you even more. So if I understood correctly for a lot of your life, you are someone inside of your brain and thoughts more than in touch with reality. But you understood that through meditation, yoga, embodiment and spirituality, you can add that additional dimension in your life of being totally present, of being in touch with life as it is, because life as it is gives you the feedback on reality. But your thoughts might be wrong or not, please comment on this. And if so, well, what is your biggest insight about how to be in touch with reality as it is and understand situations correctly so that we are more effective and efficient? Riccardo Cascianini 15:47 Okay, first of all, for me, it's extremely important I use now this motto, if you're going to my office, there is a posted in every single wall that say, if you protect your dharma, your Dharma will protect you. So what I'm doing is that I clearly understand, in the last year that most of the time when I was during the beginning of meeting, I was not present, that my brain was probably too much fast. And I was not giving the extremely important to the people in front of me. So I decide, and I discover and now more and more, how to be present, I want to be present, I want to feel the situation. This feeling this emotion, this completely understanding of the reality helped me to, let's say, survive during the COVID quarantining care, but that it's very hard and difficult. So I have the opportunity to help some of my colleague, even though they have financial problem, so I tried to heal them to explain that the life can be different, I have not so big experience, I'm not, let's say your God, Monk, to help. But based on my recent experience worldwide, I can show them that working on our self, there are so many things inside that that you cannot even know, logically, I was obliged to make a great job inside of me because I, I was gonna go in through difficult situation, a person and situation family situation. But I will understand that probably was a sign for me that it was the moment to take a break, to brief and to understand what is going on around. So I decided to be concentrated first on myself. And then when I recharge my battery, I'd said, Okay, now is the moment that I want to help somebody that is near me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 17:49 I love that metaphor. It reminds me of airplanes, where they tell you when your oxygen mask comes down, put it on yourself first to care for yourself. So you're strong enough to help the person next to you. Well, you spoke a lot about mentoring people, helping them giving them tools, being a positive presence for the people around you, then to you, it seems people are very important to ask you where their stories or anecdotes or situations in your life, that other people either gave you some insight or open doors for you that really changed your future in a big way. And that without other people, maybe you couldn't even be half or less of the person you are today because of some opportunities or insights and you mentioned mentorship as well. Riccardo Cascianini 18:43 I mean, she if I had to answer to your question, I have to divide one from my personal point of view. Logically, the family helped me a lot but recently, my let's say girlfriends helped me a lot that is more spiritual than me. She's following a lot of this activity. And one day she just told me, Ricardo you have to remove your mask. I said what are you talking which kind of mask you had mask, you are not feeling comfortable? You are not the real Ricardo that is inside of you. And it was true because I always protect my reputation, my position, my responsibility, and I was really block all the people that was trying to be connected and some time and the recent letter with my colleagues, they were scared to come to me because they were scared about my reaction, my thought and everything. So now I start for the first time mean to hope and my myself to them. And I saw that helping them it became more easy the connection with them. Every day we are doing some exercise together like yoga or we are talking about important issues. as it's happening the word and they share a different thought. And some of them are also interesting for me, it's so for me, it's taking inspiration I like to write. So I have a book have joined me, of all the issues that we discussed with my colleague with my friend with my good friend. And when I'm looking for some inspiration, or some idea, I used to read this journey, because I like to understand how the people are thinking, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 20:25 I like that very much. You're doing like a lot of wise things, and you have people around you who give you the right mentorship and advice, including your girlfriend, then let's go back in time. What was it totally different during your childhood? Like, for example, you said, Yes, you had the mask before you are protecting your reputation and your work? Was that something that you needed to develop? After university? Or during? Or did you notice, like you had that strong military father or something like that, and people around you were that way where they protect their faith and their reputation. And they tried to be stoic, in a sense of not showing emotions, and therefore, it was something you developed, which is not a stereotype of Italians, where the Italians will be a lot more emotional and open with their emotions. Riccardo Cascianini 21:18 I mean, it's very interesting question, because just that I simply understand that that all my previous behavior or character it was, create and modify by my family. I'm coming from a very hole, the medieval family where the opposite destruction was really streak, and straight. So my father gave precise rule. At this time, we have to read the stone, we have to start at this time, we have to hit. So I was always obliged to live under the rules of my family. I don't want to say that was bad. But it gave me a great, great on, let's say, stamp on me, then moving in the world and work in by myself and create by myself my career. I understand that. All the, let's say, advice that my father gave me was, yes, somehow, and sometimes correct. But on the other side, was better to do in a different way. So I think if I have to answer to your question was first, it was a great training from my family. And then it was a great developing from my side, when I tried to understand how the world is working. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 22:38 I love your curiosity. And it's something I don't know whether you were born, someone very curious, or life has taught you that curiosity is the best strategy and solution. But also, I noticed, you spoke about sharing what you know, with people, even if you're not a yogi, or anything like that, well, what is your legacy? If you are at a moment where you want to be remembered for something, or change the world in a way that will stay for a long, long time? What would be the meaningful or interesting change and legacy you wish to have? In this world? Riccardo Cascianini 23:17 Great question. This is what I'm thinking in the last six months, because I want to change, I want to do something different. I'm looking around what I can do to help people. Exactly, I still don't understand for sure I want to take a break and to spend, I don't know, minimum, uh, here traveling all over the world, to better understand where it will be my last destination. But I'm very curious to discover, I don't know exactly where I will be and what I will do, but for sure. I want to be even small person that tried to help the world to be better. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 24:01 I love this. And since you chose to spend a year of traveling the world to get the answers and understanding about yourself, Well, did you have stories or experiences whether in Kyiv, Russia, the US, Canada, Italy, Argentina or anywhere else, where you had moments of understanding who you are because of some experience, and therefore, that is why you view that as a correct strategy. It's to travel to get the answers. So did you get some experiences and answers before from traveling anywhere? Riccardo Cascianini 24:36 No, I didn't have a particular situation in all my travel of staying abroad. I just had, let's say strange feeling. First time when I arrived in India. I don't know what is what happened to me. But I feel connected with this country. I don't know why Fill in the don't know the answer to this question. The only thing that I remember well was on the way from the airport to the hotel in New Delhi. My car was surrounded by this poor kids around asking for the cash. And they were touching and knock into the windows of the car asking for the cash. And I was trying to open and the driver days told me no, no, don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. But I remember the ions, or one kid, that probably was five was blue, like the ocean. And I was shocked by this color I never saw in my life. And from that moment, there's eyes of the kids is always with me, I remember how much was suffering this baby, but how much was happy in the color. In the inside, I see happiness, even though it was asking cash to me. But it didn't have, let's say, negative I see just had be and desire to be better. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 26:10 I love that. Because previously, you mentioned that when you meet people, you try to focus on a detail of them. And often it is the eyes, and Milton Erickson who is famous hypnotherapist who passed away from the US. He said that he believes the human consciousness is almost all inside the human eyes. Can you speak about why did you find value or importance or meaning in the eyes? Was it something you always did, or it's something that you discovered and what is maybe like, the way or the approach or the reason or even a technique that you find you understand and connect people with people better through eyes. Riccardo Cascianini 26:56 I mean, taking consideration my top position logically, most of the time, when I met people for business reasons, they are a little bit worried about me because you are on there meeting the top manager, and they're afraid about so I use the technique that I as I told you to be present. But when I'm talking, I'm looking straight in the eyes of the person immediately, because I want to feel this person. So he's technique that I use recently in the last five years and is working at the beginning put in the person in front of me a little bit in difficult, but I tried to use a soft Hi connection. So not so deep and not so important to fill my position. But I try to have friendly eye connection. And after this, when I have this friendly, high connection, all the meeting is going to be more smoothly, more easy, more easygoing. And they constantly want that, that the person that is in front of me is a part of the meeting because I repeat constantly the name of the person, not every second, but every three, four minutes, I repeat the name. So that means I give importance to the person that is in front of me. So the eye connection, the presence connection, and the feeling that I have with the person is extremely important. And I use these techniques now also in the normal life outside of the job. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 28:27 I love that. And it shows also a lot of humbleness in the fact even before you said that you support the people around you. You listen to them, you mentor them you understand they're nervous, they're meeting the top manager and therefore you try to put them at ease. Well, often people when they begin and they have an important position some of them become arrogant. And maybe of course that is not useful for results but it's good for their ego. Can you comment on this and why you choose the connection over ego? Maybe you had some realization and we didn't even speak about your love for Kyiv so if you were to describe Kyiv and the people and your experience there to foreigners all over the world who don't know it like why do you love it or what is so interesting for you about Kia Riccardo Cascianini 29:21 Kia, people are amazing. Unbelievable. Amazing. They are worker colleague, they are working very hard. And the example that they want to change is the recent revolution in my dad. So they they want to be and to feel better because they knew that around the Ukraine is another word. So that's why that's why the people are I really liked the Ukrainian people. And I can compare it even with the Russian but they Ukraine I can see them better. And even though they are more, let's say more European, or more open minded, logically, they have a lot of problem, political problem, economical problem, but they have the opportunity to develop this country because this country, I'm still here, because there are so many opportunities in this granted that nobody understand this country is so rich of smart people, interesting people, beautiful people that nobody understand. That is a dogma or Budig. My dad consider Ukraine just the place for enjoying it or have fun and is not like this. The country is so rich in terms of culture, in terms of possibility, in terms of everything's that it's really difficult to find in Europe, this kind of opportunity. And they really will come the foreigner, they really like to be with the foreigner, because they can share the opportunity, they can share the idea logically, even though I'm more likely because I'm Italian, and I love with Italy, they love it. They love the food, the culture. So the culture, it probably is the trade union between us, because they are curious to discover. That's why I'm here to even promote the Italian way to promote the easy going live that we have in Italy. And these people like, and I'm really fascinated about Kim, I'm in love with Kim, this is my second time that I'm back in cave. So there is some connection for sure. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 31:38 I love it. And then I will ask a simpler question, since you're Italian and therefore demanding when it comes to Italian food. Which restaurants do you think do justice to Italian food in Kyiv because it's such a wonderful culinary capital. Riccardo Cascianini 31:55 I tried to discover a lot that I'm in love with Ukrainian food. So I used to go to the Ukrainian restaurant. There are a few different restaurant here. Typical Ukrainian because I'm in love with the chicken Kyiv with Olivier with Napoleon. And then you know, the city is big. So I have the potential to test different cuisine, Italian so there are so many chain of Italian food Italian restaurant and very good. There is die there is Chinese, there is a Georgian, there is some Japanese there is everything's, but most I used to go to there. I don't know if I can say the name. But anyway, it's Ukrainian restaurant in clear that it's famous good quality and very good prices. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 32:46 Thank you. And then I am really curious, let's say you could return in time 30 years ago to the EU that was 21. And you could give that you three pieces of advice that will really be meaningful. What would they be Riccardo Cascianini 33:05 this? Well, this is important question. Three important advice. I was talking with my father one months ago in Italy, and they said, I have to say a few things to your mind. Bumble in Tuscany instead to say Papa, we say, Bob, please first forgive me. If I did something wrong, then thanks for what you give me. And the third was, I hope that I can be more and more better. Sometime when I have made the meditation. That is very easy exercise. You know, I tried to connect, I tried to imagine imagine me now meeting myself when I was 1617. And I cannot deny that the fact that when I tried the first time with my eulogy, I was crying like a baby because I was happy to see me when I was 20 years old, and I had a very good conversation with myself. And the first things that I said that I said that to myself to Ricardo 20th. Solder said, please forgive me if I made some mistake. And from this, the answer I remember was, Don't worry, I can understand Can we do something better now on it will be helped me and help you to be a better person. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 34:30 Thank you that was very powerful. And then I will ask you something, which is more in line with dealing with uncertainty especially now. Everything is changing so fast. Everything is changing so rapidly. How do you view the correct way to be a leader and a time of where everything is changing? And also I will ask you, you seem to focus and more and more on emotions and connecting with People over time, do you view that as basically an even more important aspect to success than intelligence or hard work? If someone could be a genius, and a very hard worker, but they didn't connect with people, you believe that someone who connects with people will have a better life and a better success than someone who focuses only on intellect. So it's those leadership in a time of uncertainty, and the fact that human relationships, why is it valuable to you? Is it about success, or you're in a stage in your life where you want to feel good and connect deeply? Riccardo Cascianini 35:43 We recently talk in the office, we have a brainstorming after the first lockdown and key and we never had a very strong lockdown. But we had the opportunity to meet with my close, let's say, colleague, and it was exactly the My question was what this lockdown told you about the situation. And I remember one of my colleagues told me that it's another disaster that happened now, not only to crane, but to all over the world and said that what doesn't what what do you mean? Because every, it seems like it is exactly meeting that every 10 years, this country had with some trouble, the crisis of 2000, they remember Chernobyl, and it was mentioned about shut down below your family, the crisis on 2008 2009 revolution in my dad, and now COVID. So these people will our experience to live with difficulties, logically, they have to adapt, but they have so much strengths to adapt to the this difficult situation. And they always find a solution better than any kind of European people, because they are in trouble from more than 50 years, 60 years, even more from the when the wall of Berlin was destroyed. So they are fighting every day with difficulty. This one is a big difficult, but they have the strength, they still have the desire this the lab is mine, to Overpass this situation. Regarding myself, now I give more important of my feeling, I want to feel happy, I want to feel in a good mood, I want to feel the people that around me. And as I told you, I'm trying to avoid people that are not positive. But just to have the ability to meet good quality people something that I can that they can give to me. So and I want to be surrounded by just these people logic I some time and probably too much selected, I'm still too much selected. But I feel more comfortable when I have around people that is good, smiling, laughing, smart, and happy. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 38:18 That's a wonderful recipe. And in systems theory, it says that the environment of any system affects its ability to thrive more than the what the system has, which means that you can put the best system but in the wrong environment, it was not succeed. And an average system but surrounded by something, an environment that is good for growth and thriving, and it will be amazing. And that is what you do by surrounding with people is create an environment that will make you the average of the five people you spend most time with, which will be very wise, smart, happy people which will influence you subconsciously and powerfully to be that kind of person. This was wonderful. Do you Riccardo Cascianini 39:07 have an excuse me if I interrupt you because recently I was looking something on? I don't remember where in CNN or somewhere else. It was an interview of one mentor or business coach in the United States. And they said Don't forget that when you open your mouth, the word will understand exactly who you are. So I'm trying to use the right word at the right moment to give exactly the message who I am and what I would like to do. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 39:40 And you know this interview the whole of it was about who you are and it was very enlightening and wonderful. If you have a final message to the listeners you could share as well as if people want to learn more about you where can they go? Which links or anything like that website or anything to learn more. Riccardo Cascianini 40:03 You know, as I don't have I have my Facebook account but I use not to post anything's The only things that I can illogical if you type my name in Google, you will find my career my experience. But normally, I don't want to show off me I want to be more low profile, I want that on the people that I will meet, they will appreciate that to talk with Ricardo not with some important manager, or a very famous top manager worldwide in the fashion I want that they understand the real Ricardo that is completely different from the previous one is completely in other parts. What I, what I can give an advice is first, to try to better understand what you would like what you are waiting for. But the most important is to work on ourself to better understand first inside of us what is it's going on, because the beginning I understand that inside me was really a care was a disaster. And then step by step using meditation using curiosity, reading, yoga, I tried to clean my heart, my brain, and then trying to work and to discover the word. What does it mean to be a touch with important things and the touch from material things that are not necessary and to help as much as possible? You can the people that are around you, and they need that. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 41:53 Thank you so much. This could go on forever. It's so fascinating, but I respect your time. So Ricardo, I wish you a brilliant and a great day. Riccardo Cascianini 42:03 Thank you so much. You met you are doing something unbelievable. It's so interesting to listen your podcast, people experience and please continue in this way because you're doing very important things for everybody for a better word.

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