Kateryna Gomeliuk is a Theatre Actress and Business Analyst. She was born in a small city near Kyiv, studied at the Kyiv National Economic University. Then she moved with her husband to the USA 2.5 years ago, when he had the opportunity to study for an MBA at Cornell University. She shares the differences between people from the Ukraine compared to the USA. This episode is fascinating. Her LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kate-gomeliuk-41b48416a/
Anna Rudiak is the Founder & Creative Director at BSCS Clothing: A Ukrainian brand of basic tops that inspire women to live their unique...
Yevgen Levitskyi is a Ukrainian Attorney at Law with distinguished track record in Dispute Resolution and over 11 years of professional experience. He is...
Father Volodymyr Malchyn is the Vice-Chancellor of the Curia of the Major Archbishop of Kyiv-Halych, and the Head of The Development and Communications Office....