Nika Rudenko is a Sophomore student at Harvard University with a concentration in Integrative Biology and a secondary in Psychology.
She is also a FLEX Alumna '18, a winner of the National Biological Olympiad and an alternative candidate for the International Biological Olympiad, a research assistant and a co-author of Archeological Articles, a camp Model United Nations Ukraine counselor, the initiator of an autism awareness campaign, and a blog writer about education and the application process to US Universities
Instagram: @rudenko_nika
Ann Chubatiuk isan Intern at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, a FLEX Alumna '18, and an International Business Administration Student at LCC...
Kate Zakhovaiko is the CEO of Happy Project. Her goal is to create a community of people who live their values and share what...
Olga Kushnir is a graduate of the London College of Fashion. She interned in the Ukrainian Fashion Week more than once and worked for...